-jelousy, jelousy-

37 17 5

Training went well. Thanks to y/n's heart warming speech, and beautiful demonstration, everyone did their best. No slacking off on her watch. It was lunchtime now. All the cadets swarmed into the cafeteria. Clearly worn out by the hard day of training. Everyone really give it their all after seeing what y/n did to that man. No one took any chances. Y/n walked into the cafeteria feeling the eyes burn into her, but she didn't do anything about it. Because she knew the stares she was getting was based on pure fear. And she loved it. Just as she was about to get in line for food, she felt a hand touch her shoulder. A girl.

Y/n raised an eyebrow as to ask what the girl wanted. "Hey.. my names mikasa. I wanted to say you were really fucking badass today. You really showed that bastard a lesson, I admire you for that." Y/n remained silent for a moment, not really knowing how to respond. She spoke sooner or later in her usual cold tone. "Thanks, it's what anyone would've done. And the names y/n." Mikasa smiled, quickly grabbing a plate from the rack before giving it to y/n. "I'd love for you to train me, give me some sparring lessons? I've never seen a girl fight so well in here. We would make a great duo." Y/n started to put food on her plate, she was listening, but she was terrible as communicating. "Are you good at fighting mikasa? I should hope so."

"I'd like to say I'm pretty good, if I do say so myself.. though, with your help I'd be so much better. Your fighting style is.. extraordinary-" "I'm not asking you to sweeten me up.. I'm asking if me training you is worth my while. If it will make any difference to our team." She turned to face mikasa, the icky look in her eyes staring into her. "...I'm asking if you have a chance to make a difference." Mikasa stood there taking in everything she just said. Staring back at her for a moment as she pondered her response. She soon spoke up, her tone determined and sure. "Not only will I make it worth your while, but I'll prove it by wiping those titans clean off the face of this shitty earth. I can assure you that." Y/n stared into her eyes a little longer. She wanted to see if mikasa would crack, to see maybe if she was lying. She didn't move a muscle.

Y/n nodded slightly. "Training starts tomorrow." She continued putting food onto her plate. "Don't tell anyone about it, and don't be late. We start at 6.30." Mikasa smiled, she had just scored the best sparing buddy in the scout regiment. She couldn't wait to get started. "Hey, thanks for that. I won't let you down." Y/n simply nodded. She wasn't much for a chit chat. But she saw something in mikasa. She saw determination, bravery, and wisdom. She knew after the act she pulled today, no one would've approached her. But mikasa did. So there was definitely something different about her. And y/n was always willing to take the gamble.

Y/n was about to sit at the table with her food when mikasa called her name. "Hey y/n! Come sit with us!" Mikasa was sat with two other girls and two boys. All in whom y/n wasn't familiar with. She shrugged and made her way to their table. As soon as she sat down she was met with even more people sweet talking her. "H-hey the names historia.. you were really cool out there!" Y/n remained silent with her head down as she continued to eat her food. Next to talk was a brown haired boy. "Hey! Your the girl that beat the crap out of that cocky bastard! You were so damn cool! The names eren!" "H-hey eren, just eat don't bother the girl while she's eating.. a-and hello, the names armin." The blonde boy placed his hand on erens shoulder as to make him shut up.

The last girl was Petra. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Yeah she was so cool.. can I ask something y/n?" She stopped eating and looked up at the girl with her cold eyes as the girl continued to speak nervously. "W-what's going on between you and Levi? You two seem close, no?" Y/n's stare sunk into the girls skin. Y/n was good at many things. If there's one thing she was really good at though, it would be reading people. She could read people like and open book. And if there's one thing she saw on this girls face, it was jealousy. Y/n raised an eyebrow before giving the girl a sweet smile. "Oh! He's my boyfriend!" She then continued to eat leaving the girl speechless.

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