Chapter 4

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It's Friday night, which means we're going out. I've got on my outfit, just jeans and a black open-back long-sleeved top. Nothing too fancy, but still looking good. I check the time, it's eight thirty. I head downstairs to tell my parents I'm leaving. I say goodbye to Diva, grab my keys, and realize I still have half an hour to get there, but I'm picking up Lily. She's having a sleepover with Alex, so she doesn't want to drive, and since I pass by, I offered to pick her up. Alex also invited me to the sleepover, but I wasn't in the mood for it.

I hop in the car and start driving. My place is just ten minutes from Lily's, so I arrive in no time.

"Hey, babe," she greets me, giving me a peck on the cheek. Her long, fiery red curly hair frames her face perfectly, and her green eyes are mesmerizing.

"Hey, how's life been without me?" I joke as we hit the road. I turn on some music, and the first song that plays is 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' by Chromatics. The song feels like a dream, and it's definitely one of my all-time favourites.

"It's so boring, oh my gosh! We miss you more than you can imagine," she exclaims, rolling down the car window.

"I can totally relate because I miss you both immensely," I admit, enjoying the music.

We played the song three times when we reach the bar. I park the car and we get out. I had told Jennifer to join us here at nine, but I don't see her yet. As we enter, we immediately spot Alex. She's flirting with the bartender, which is expected from her. We walk over, and the moment she sees me, she practically jumps into my arms.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't like to be hugged, but I've missed you so much!" She says releasing the hug and smiling at me.

"It's okay, and I've missed you too." I reply as she pushes drinks in our hands. Alex is absolutely stunning. Her rich dark skin, short black curly hair, and deep brown eyes exude a goddess-like aura. We find our way to a table and start catching up. They tell me about there first days at college and how they wish to go back to high school.

"No, seriously. Enjoy this year, because college is no joke." Alex advises, sipping from her drink.

"I'm having a good time, actually. I've made a new friend, Jennifer. She's supposed to show up any second," I mention, glancing towards the entrance, and right on cue, she walks in. I head over to her and guide her to our table.

"Alright. Alex, Lily, this is Jennifer. Jennifer, this is Lily and this is Alex," I gesture towards them so she can match names to faces. They exchange introductions as we take our seats.

"I was just telling them about you actually," I mention, watching her take a sip of her drink.

"I hope nothing bad," she chuckles nervously.

"No, of course not," I reassure her.

"Anyone wants to dance?" Lily suggests, getting up. The rest of us join her, heading to the dance floor. The bar is crowded and the dance floor is packed. As we dance, the alcohol starts to take effect, and I begin to feel more relaxed.

While we're dancing, I suddenly feel someone's hand around my waist, and when I turn around, it's Jennifer. I smile and we start dancing together. She wraps her hands around my neck before she turns around and grinds against me. Normally I'd feel uncomfortable, but with the alcohol in my system, I follow her lead and place my hands on her waist as we move together. She turns back around and looks into my eyes. Before I know it, her lips are connected with mine. At first I'm hesitant, but then I kiss her back and pull her closer.

Before things get too intense, she breaks the kiss with a smile and continues dancing. I sync up with her movements again, and after a few more minutes, I signal that I'm heading for another drink. Dancing makes you thirsty.

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