Chapter Forty-Eight

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This ass-hole better hope that my baby is perfectly healthy. Before Asher got here, Malcom and this Alpha rogue dude- who's apparently River, Hope's mate- injected me with something. I'm assuming that it's wolfsbane. I couldn't feel Ingrid. I couldn't shift. I couldn't contact Asher. I couldn't even use my powers.

If something is wrong with my child, then I'll use a banana slicer on both of them. Bananas sound hella good right now. Damn, pregnancy cravings. My baby chooses the worse times to be hungry. Currently, there is a silver knife pressed against my stomach while Malcom and River have a stare-down with Asher. "Your move, Alpha" River stated.

We were playing a chess game against them. It was basically check-mate already. Even though it was no use, I silently begged Asher not to give up the throne. I know what will happen if he does. They will kill both of us, and then take over. Whatever he does, I know that someone is gonna die. Asher looked into my eyes, then at my stomach. I could tell that he's trying to figure out what to do.

"I'm not getting any younger, here" Malcom complained. I growled and angrily stomped on his foot. However, just like earlier, his grip didn't falter. "Fuckin' bitch" he muttered lowly, so only I heard.

Asher still didn't decide what to do, so I looked at the others. Shawn and Brian were looking towards me, but I'm certain that they're looking at Malcom. Jacobs' eyes are locked on River, as they obviously glared daggers at each other. Hope was the only one looking at me. She looked scared. I wish that one of them would do something. Anything.

Hope slightly moved behind Jacobs. No one else noticed, since they were focused on staring at other people. When she moved back, I saw that her plaid shirt was now unbuttoned, showing off her lacy bandeau. At first I was confused, until I heard growling. Hope's eyes were locked on River. Seducing the enemy. Pretty badass.

She smiled innocently at her mate. Even with that stupid drug in my system, I could smell their raging hormones. "Baby" Hope cooed as she slowly inched towards her mate. "I've missed you so much" she said while batting her eyes.

I guess it was just check. We have one move that could save us in this game. River growled, not out of anger, but out of lust. I rolled my eyes at how easy that was. I was too busy watching Hope, that I didn't even realize Malcom's grip loosened. The knife wasn't even on my stomach anymore. But I couldn't attack yet. I still need River out of the way.

Hope licked her lips, making both River and Malcom growl. I pursed my lips to hold in my laugh. Malcom is way too old for Hope. "Can I be on your side? I'll do anything you want" she asked while her bottom lip jutted out. "Anything" she repeated slowly before biting her lip.

River groaned before pulling his mate towards himself. "Mine" he growled before roughly smashing his lips on Hope's. I rolled my eyes. Men.

Hope opened her eyes and winked at me. But apparently, Malcom thought the wink was for him, so he growled as his arousal was rolling off of him. I quickly turned and snapped his neck. At the same time, Hope snapped River's neck.

I made eye-contact with my guardian before smiles broke out of both our faces. "Girl power!" we shouted in unison. The guys snapped out of their dazes as they glanced back and forth between the bodies and us.

Rolling my eyes, I put my hand on my hip. "You guys are so helpful" I stated sarcastically. I shrieked as Asher picked me up. He quickly pecked my lips before setting me back down and lifted my shirt to reveal my stomach. He peppered kissed all over my little belly bump. I'm three weeks into my pregnancy, which only lasts four or five months since Asher is an Alpha and I'm a Royal.

"I love you so much" Asher stated after covering every inch of my stomach with kisses.

"Since you love me 'so much' and I'm carrying your child, you should get me some bananas" I said with a smile. He rolled his eyes before pecking my lips.

"I'll get the bananas" Shawn stated.

"I'll check on the warriors" Brian said.

I looked behind Asher and noticed that everyone was still here; until Brian and Shawn left. Hope was sobbing into Jacobs chest. I guess the fact that she killed her mate just sunk in. I frowned. "I'll take her to her room" Jacobs informed me before picking up Hope. She was still crying as he carried her out.

Asher rubbed circles on my back. "She'll be okay" he assured me.

"I hope so"


I woke up the next morning at 5 a.m. Crap. Morning sickness. I pried Asher's hands off of me and ran to the bathroom. Why did I eat nachos, ice cream, and spaghetti right before bed?

After emptying my stomach, I brushed my teeth and splashed water on my face. I looked at my reflection while lifting up my shirt. My little baby is still growing and healthy. I wonder if its a boy or a girl. I will love them either way. What am I gonna name him or her?

I swung open the bathroom door and shook Asher awake. He jolted up and pushed me behind him in a protective stance. "Asher" I cooed. He hushed me as he scanned the room for any threats. Over-protective mate.

He glanced at the clock before groaning. "Go back to sleep" he grumbled while wrapping an arm around my baby belly.

I frowned and turned around so I was facing him. "Asher?" I asked. He hummed in response. "What are we gonna name the baby?"

He mumbled in coherent words, but I caught the last few words. "I'm so tired" Tears blurred my vision. Is he tired of me? Does he not want the baby? I thought he was excited about the pregnancy. He's probably mad at me. I made him get up like a hundred times to get me food. I should've just kept my cravings to myself. Now, he doesn't even want our baby.

I pursed my lips to hold in my sobs while I got out of the bed. I heard shuffling as I walked towards the door. The lights flickered on, but I kept walking. "Eve?" Asher asked softly. I bit my lip as tears dropped from my face and onto my carpet. Asher quickly got out of the bed and wrapped his arms around me. "Why are you crying?"

Sniffling, I looked into his eyes. "Why don't you want our baby?" I whispered before burying my face in my hands. I get if he's mad at me for making him get up a lot, but it's our baby.

"What are you talking about?" he questioned. "I want this baby. And I want all of our future babies and our future grand-babies" he stated.

I slowly moved my hands and gazed up at him. "Really?" I asked.

Asher nodded in confirmation. "Come on. Stop crying" he said softly. I wiped my face and took deep breaths. Fucking, pregnancy hormones. "What do you feel like having for breakfast?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes! And bacon! And waffles! With a shitload of syrup!" I exclaimed. My mate laughed at me before pulling me out the room and towards the kitchen. The smell of bacon floated into my nostrils. "Bacon!" I shouted before pushing open the doors to the kitchen.

Asher and I froze at the entryway. Hope was cooking bacon wearing large plaid pants and a large black shirt. Jacobs was leaning against the kitchen island, and he was wearing light grey sweats without a shirt. But their clothes isn't what fazed us. It was their scents.

"You two mated?!"

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