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A breeze blows past me as I walk to the school

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A breeze blows past me as I walk to the school. This is my favourite kind of weather... Cloudy.. windy... Almost going to rain... The smell of soil... Just wow.

Just then a car slows down beside me and the windows roll down.

What is Drake doing here?

He is on his way to school duh.

Yeah, never mind.

Well after our argument, I felt bad about what I did. No not about the ' saving ' him part but the part where is helping me out without a benefit. It's not like we're friends even. It feels very odd now.

" why are you walking? " He frowns.

" I always walk to school? "

" But am I not supposed to give you a ride?"

" Yes, but I suppose we fought yesterday? "

" About that.. " well thank goodness the talking-in-questions is over. " I'm sorry about that, it is just unusual I never thought about it that way. It is completely fine if a guy fights for a girl but it's not ok when a girl stops a fight about to happen. That's just illogical. Of course, we can all look for ourselves but sometimes we can accept some help I guess. " He shrugs.

And I am dumbstruck by that. Woah, ok. I never thought he would agree with me. Okay.

" I'm sorry too. "I say looking down." I shouldn't have brought you into this mess. I don't even know what I was thinking, there are only a few months left before school is over. " That's also a reason yeah, but of course I don't tell him the whole reason. I just... I don't know. I don't know why I didn't tell him the main reason.  " It's fine if you don't want to help me" I look up at him, not his eyes, just somewhere on his face, I'm very bad at this eye contact thing, " I think I'll manage something, "I say and I mean it. There are only a few months left maybe they'll talk about us for a while before they find something else. We'll just leave it like that probably. "Thanks again for the help. " I give him a small smile.

" Come in. I'll give you a ride. " He says.

" I can see the school. " a laugh escapes.

" It will rain any moment. "

" I don't mind getting wet. " Who knows maybe I need to prep for kissing in the rain with my future bf/ husband. And it's not that far away that I get soaked.

He sighs and mutters something before saying, "I need to talk to you but I don't want to be late.  "


" You could have just said that. "I shrug and get into the car. He starts driving. " So...what did you want to talk about?  "

" Is that the only reason you don't want us to date? Fake date I mean? "

Well now that you ask this..." I mean you did not get anything out of this, it would feel like I'm just using you. "

" I don't mind helping you  " he shakes his head.

" maybe that's the case but... " I trail off not knowing what to say.

" I just want to help you."

" No one wants to just help others. "

" Well, then you can be my music friend if you like. If that makes you feel better. "He offers me a smile."  I don't have friends that I can jam with. "  He shrugs

" ok sure! I can do that. " I smile. " Can Avery join too? She's like the singer of our group. I mean all three of us sing but she sings the best. I know she doesn't seem that type at first but yeah she does sing quite well. Also, you can tell me if you need any help, with academics or non-academics or if you just want to rant I'll listen to it ok? "

He looks at me from the corner of his eye filled with amusement, "ok."

" I want to go to the hills in this weather. " I sigh.

" Let's go there then. "

Huh? I was not expecting that.

" We can? But we have school. "

" We can bunk. Unless you don't want to. "

" I always wanted to! for once at least, but never got a chance. I think I can manage one day's schoolwork." I laugh at myself.

"Get ready to get grounded!"

" Nah I probably won't."

He gives me a shocked look, " You'll not get grounded for roaming instead of studying, without informing? "

I smile sheepishly, "Well I might get grounded for the not informing part... But the rest will be handled by my dad. Plus I'm almost eighteen anyway.  I'm sorry I'll get you grounded. "I say after a pause," Not really though. " He laughs at that.

" if it works that way then I ain't get grounded either. How come I didn't know you were funny? " he laughs.

" Oh I am funny but no one gets my sense of humour." I say while I laugh." Only Beth I think. We would look at each other and start laughing because we know what we're thinking. " I don't know how but these past few days I've been spending time with her and she's so fun to be with.

" I did not know you two were friends. " He says and I shrug in response.

I sigh after a while. " How I love the wind rushing past me on a cloudy day. I usually come to visit the hills on days like these with my dad– "

Shit. It's a dad and me thing!! How could I do this!?

" What happened? " He says looking at me.

" Nothing. Nevermind."

We've already come this far can I tell him to go back? Where will we go if we do? The classes have already started, and I cannot go late to class. No no-

"You went quiet on me. Everything alright?" He interrupts my thoughts.

" Yeah."

" Ok... Are you sure? You're making me worried. "

" There is nothing to worry about. I'm fine. I'm always quiet anyway. " I say looking out the window.  He doesn't say anything to me after that.

C'mon, it was your idea don't take it out on him. You've almost come halfway anyway, might as well enjoy rather than brood.

You know what? You're right. Live in the moment! We'll deal with everything later.

" Can we play music?" I ask after a while.

" Only if you sing for me," he says with a smile.

I laugh," You want to hear me sing that bad? "

" Your voice is heaven to my ears. "

" Are you flirting with me? " I laugh so hard I almost snort.

" It is true sweetheart. "

" Why so much cheese? " I ask.

" Isn't that where it all started? I figured you like it since you read so many of those romance novels," he says looking at me for a second.

" I guess yeah, it did. In that case, you'll have to sing with me.  "  I smile.

" Anything for you, cupcake. " He says and I laugh.

We sing songs throughout the ride. And oh my god, oh my god his voice. It was the sexy gangster-type voice. Wow. How did I land myself a fake bf with such an only-exists-in-books kind of voice? The deep melodious ones? The ones that can make you fall into a peaceful sleep yet make your heart race a thousand miles per minute?

Not that it's making my heart race.

Not at all.

It couldn't.

It shouldn't.

How long am I going to lie to myself?


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