13 - Realization

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The sound of flesh hitting a training dummy could be heard as Shinso continued to practice at the gym he used to learn from all those years ago. His thoughts were brought back to the recent attack he and his fellow classmates fought in.

Shinso gritted his teeth as he thought back to the condition of his best friend (not that he'll ever admit it) after he essentially saved the lives of everyone in the class. The USJ incident had made him so dreadfully aware of his own shortcomings that he knew he should rectify immediately.

Once the villains knew his quirk, he did nothing else but watch as the rest of his classmates fought for their lives. He had Shigaraki in his clutches and did nothing out of the fear that the brainwashing would be broken through.

He could've done anything, ANYTHING, and it would've been better than standing like a bystander not knowing what to do.

And now, Akio paid the price for his incompetence.

It's been 4 days and he still hasn't woken up from his coma. He tried grilling the teachers for more details but they wouldn't budge. All they said was that he's resting and would make a recovery.

In the end, he freaked out. It was their first run in with an actual villain. Not just random two-bit thugs from the streets, but actual cold and ruthless villains. The fact was that he panicked and his mind just went blank.

Even after years of training, all of it is useless if one isn't prepared mentally.

Among all his classmates, he was among the few who walked away relatively fine. Only a few bruises, a mild case of physical exhaustion, and a wounded ego. It is a traumatic experience, but he can get over it. Their experiences in USJ are what Pro Heroes face on a daily basis. This is nowhere near enough to make him quit, just as he is confident that Kazuya will be the same.

That's why he's here now, to further hone his abilities and make sure his training doesn't dull. If he was stronger, faster, deadlier, then he wouldn't just be an observer the next time this happens.

His weakness was also proven in his confrontation against Kurogiri. When he tried to use his quirk the second time, Kurogiri didn't fall for the bait as he just completely ignored Shinso's attempts at conversation. He needs to find a way for his quirk to work on smarter opponents who are able to pick apart on how his quirk works. But those are thoughts for another day.

Today, he's here to simply get stronger. In cases where his quirk simply won't be enough.

'Perhaps I should look into more support items? Ones that are able to help in takedowns.'

It's an idea that has been going around his mind for quite a while. Perhaps some kind of taser or electric-based weapons. He's heard Jirou talk about how Kaminari managed to take down villains by acting as a human stun gun. Maybe he could use a weapon that could create the same effect?

In any case, he won't give up. The path of a hero is one of constant struggle. Surpassing his limits is something he's been doing since long ago and doing it again and again is what he plans to do.

To be a hero that children with villainous quirks everywhere could look up to.

He will be that person, he will keep the promise he made with his friend.

That, he is sure of.


— The Warping Hero —


In the safe confines of his room, Shoto Todoroki is currently sitting on his bed, thinking.

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