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Jayden wasn't satisfied with how close they were. He wanted her closer.  ' What is wrong with me?' He asked himself. " The burger" he muttered calmly but it gave Kayla chills. He looked angry and she didn't know what to do. She stretched the burger towards him and he opened his mouth making Kayla pause.

Jayden held her wrist and brought her hand closer to his mouth, then took a bite from it  not moving his eyes from Kayla's face. Kayla swallowed her own saliva in fear.
' Was he really that hungry?' she thought.

Kayla stared at his lips as he chewed on the burger in his mouth, then she looked at the burger in her hand. He just ate from it, how was she going to eat it now. She didn't want to share it with him, it felt too intimate.

To Kayla's surprise, Jayden took another bite from the burger. In anger she tried shifting her chair backward, away from Jayden but he pulled the chair back to himself with added force which made Kayla fall forward into his body.

They stared at each others faces. Jayden then closed his eyes, biting his teeth together while Kayla just stared at him.
" Get off me" He said, his voice hushed.
Kayla immediately realized their position and quickly pulled away from him standing to her feet.

She placed the burger on the table and turned back to Jayden wondering what was wrong with him.
   Jayden held his chest like he was in pain. Kayla panicked and attempted to touch him but he showed her his hand telling her not to come close.

She stood watching him. She felt so worried. Why was she even worried? Probably because he was in her room. She didn't want him to die here.

    Jayden stood up and walked out of her room.
What was that about? '  Kayla asked herself.
' He just comes and goes whenever he likes?'  she sat on her bed with a frown. Then glanced at the burger that was on the table.


    Jayden walked hurriedly in the fields, holding his stomach in pains. He got to a tree by the side . He held it and bent his back trying to force himself to throw up. He felt a hand touch him and he immediately hit the hand off aggressively and turned to see who it was. His eyes had turned red.

Chloe stood shocked as she stared at him
" Your..  your eyes are red" she muttered, scared. He turned away from her and started trying to gag himself again.
" Are you okay?" She asked worriedly
" Shut up" Jayden yelled turning to her again in anger.

She shuddered. She knew whenever his eyes turned red, something was wrong. Jayden turned again and finally started vomiting the burger he had eaten earlier. Once he was done, he turned back to Chloe. Her eyes were wide

" You ate human food?" Chloe asked in disbelief. Jayden stared at her with pure anger. His chest heaving.
" Why did you eat solid food? You know we can't digest it" Chloe spoke worriedly.
" Are you lecturing me?" Jayden asked angrily and she bowed her head.
" I'm sorry" she said meekly.

He walked past her
" Where are you going to?" She asked loudly
" Don't follow me" was all Jayden said and soon he was in the woods.

Running past trees, and hitting the branches out of his way in an  inhuman speed. The wind tossing his hair backward. His jacket flying with the direction of the wind .

In no time, he arrived outside the university, and now in the city. He stood in a quiet street, the street lights dim, but the moon was bright. Jayden's eyes were blood red and he looked very pale. His hair looked wild. He looked deadly and strikingly handsome.

    There was a man at a distance with a big stomach. He saw Jayden and stood looking at him. Jayden could hear every beat of the man's heart from where he stood.

The man stood wondering why a person looked so scary. He couldn't see Jayden's eyes from the distance but Jayden soon started walking towards him and as he got closer. He noticed the red eyes and quickly realized that the person coming towards him was not an ordinary person.

    Jayden and his crew were not humans. They ran at a speed unimaginable by man. They compelled people to do whatever they wanted and make them forget. They couldn't eat anything solid as their bodies was unable to digest it.

Jayden was a royal which meant he possessed even more abilities. Their kind was all over earth living amongst humans and no one had a clue that such creatures existed.
The heads of Hover dove university were also creatures. They were all under Jayden since he was their prince and soon to be king.

They lived thousands of years  and do not age physically. Only Royals  had the ability to read minds . They had extra ordinary strength .....

    The man turned around and started running but stopped in fear as Jayden was now in front of him.
" Please . Please ... Let me go... " The man pleaded but Jayden had no time to listen to him. He grabbed the man by the neck.

Jayden's anger was dangerous. And it was known around amongst their kind

Jayden's fangs elongated and he sank them into the man's neck. The man screamed and tried to struggle but soon felt his head spinning and his body going limp.

Jayden drained the man's blood completely before leaving him to fall down liveless. He stood as blood trickled down the side of his lip.

These creatures were blood suckers. They were Vampires.

Some detectives on here caught me already before this. But hopefully you like the reveal. 😁

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