His House

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Soon after that, we arrived at a large house nestled in between the forest. It was beautiful and judging by its unnecessary extravagance, this was Levi's house. It's exactly the kind of place I imagined he lived in: massive and that modern stylish look.

I still didn't know why I was there but we entered the house.

"You have a very nice house, sir. How long have you had this place?"

"Well, this is where I live whenever I happen to be down here." He shrugged, walking further into the house, moving something on the cupboard as he walked by

Of course. He probably owns dozens of homes like this.

He kept talking but my focus had switched to the cupboard he just walked past. On it, there was a picture frame that appeared to have been strategically placed flat against the cupboard so the photo wasn't visible.

With curiosity getting the better of me, I turned the frame the right way up and looked at the photo. It consisted of two women with their arms slung over each other's shoulders, posing for the camera. Why hide the photo? And if they were important enough to him to have put a picture of them there, why go to the trouble of concealing the photo just because I was here?

"Nosy, aren't we?" Ackerman's voice remarked from behind.

I whisked around and came face to chest with his tall, muscular figure. He reached behind me and returned the picture to its down-facing position.

"Why do you put it upsi-" I began to ask.

"I don't really think it's any of your business."

I stared at him in disbelief.

I glared at him. "Don't forget you're the one who brought me here. I would honestly love to hear an explanation for interfering in my personal life outside of working hours."

He wasn't even looking at me. He was looking at the picture, not even appearing to pay attention to what I was saying.

Ugh, this is just awkward. I thought.

He turned away from me and walked down the hallway.

Unsure of what else to do I followed him.

I sat down on a couch in the living room and watched him as he turned on the lights and started to walk over to where I was.

"So am I going to get any reason for why I was brought here?" I repeated.

"Can you just let it go?" He sounded annoyed.

Why the hell was he annoyed? He wasn't the one who was brought to a random place he'd never been to before.

"No, I'm not going to let it go. I want some sort of explanation for this weird behaviour," I said indignantly.

He glared at me again. I was starting to think that that was the only expression he could make.

"Seriously? Nothing? That's it. I'm leaving." I huffed.

I went to stand up to leave but he grabbed me and pulled me flush against him.

He lent his mouth to my ear, so close I could feel his soft lips touching me as he spoke.

My legs trembled softly.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ackerman asked softly.

His right hand touched where the hem of my dress ended. He carefully gripped my thigh sending a burning sensation to the bottom of my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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Levi x Reader Fanfic "What It's Like To Work for You"  (Mature content warning)Where stories live. Discover now