2: Cub

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I should really write other stuff first.

Like... you know.

Books I need to finish BEFORE writing this one...?

Ah well, I'm sure I'll finish Severed soon

(9/3/24 I wrote this. 26/3 I'm finishing this chapter. Guess I did do what I said.)

The mess-hall is full of noise as I enter.

Several groups of Hawks are there already, chatting to themselves. A few fledglings on their own or listening to the the tales of the lucky one or two new Hawk fighters who've been on missions. I pass by, sitting with my fellow Officers - the formally accepted 'true' Hawks. We get to lead squadrons, know the secrets, lead missions, and sit in the corner, watching the fledglings facing much more hard work and yelling than the propaganda claims.

I note the hologram screen above the room is blank. I'm too early. Every Officer knows to arrive precisely as the leader Elex puts out the day's patrols. Any later, and you'll get in trouble. Any earlier and you have to have the grey 'food' the Watchers provide for Hawks.

'Hey Cub!' Hypno calls as I sit down.

'You're early.' I note his flight-gear and the helmet next to him. 'And hopeful.'

'Special mission for Elex.'

'Really? Any details?'

'None... Hey False!'

'Hey Cub!' she sits next to me. 'You're early.'

'So are you.'

'Am I?'

Elex enters, proving her right. Everyone falls silent, looking at the giant screen as it changes to today's rotor. Elex snaps his fingers, signalling for Hypno to join him.

'See you later, man.'

'Bye Cub!'

He follows Elex out, and I turn to the Officer's duties on the screen... there. I spot my role as leader of one of the patrol flights. My own screen gives further information: mission two, xB as my co-pilot, from runway 3, a simple reconnaissance mission for Listeners in the southern districts. I abandon the 'food' I've been saved from eating, say goodbye to False (she's got Fledgling training), and head to the Officer lockers and my flight equipment.

'Morning Cub!' calls xB as I reach it. I smile at my fellow officer - one of the newest, and the most cheerful and energetic Officer I know. 'I'm tailing your mission, I think.'

'I saw that. Mission two?'

'That's the one!'

We remove our jackets and shirts, left with just black tops and trousers, before entering our own changing rooms. Not the stuffy, sweaty Fledgling and Fighter changing room. These are individual, automatic, new machines that, by some mechanical and electronic magic, can suit a Hawk Officer in seconds.

I stand in the centre, providing my handprint and granting holo-screen access before it starts working... my flight-suit appears in hologram around me, and then reality. Boots, pads, lightweight armour, jacket, all fitted perfectly, all marked with my identity, all in blue, black and purple. With a click, the doors open again. I collect my helmet and gloves from my locker as I wait for xB to finish, then we head off to the runway.

We arrive there before the fighters. I give a fond smile at my VX_5 plane (CF_135) as xB checks over for damages. With him busy, I find and run my fingers over the scratched name in the side. EARENDEL. No one knows I 'vandalised' Watcher property by naming her, and hopefully no one will. Though surely, if the paintwork isn't strong enough to survive a small rock, it's justifiable.

'What are you doing, Officer Cub?'

I turn, too distracted to notice the fighter Hawk standing behind me. Brown-blond hair, with nasty burns scars across their face that prove the mechanical nature of one their vivid purple eye. Grian Xelqua, one of my personal bets as to the next Officer.

'Checking for damage. You should do the same' He nods, running to his own plane. It doesn't take long for the rest of the fighters to arrive. I brief them on the mission and check they're properly strapped into their cockpits. There are only 10 of them and 5 planes; it's not long before I'm donning my gloves and helmet, joining xB in the cockpit of Earendel. I check he's in properly, before strapping in and getting checked myself. After a brief comms check between the squadron, I tell ground control we're ready and take off.

I've flown hundreds of times before, but my heart still jumps as we take off and I'm still enraptured by the neon signs and bustle of the city shrinking behind us. The sun's bright ahead; I'm grateful for my visor, but only increases the beauty and thrill of the flight. This is why I became a Hawk.

We fall quickly into formation. xB brings up a map of our path, and I return to Officer-mode. A quick midair register, just to check everyone survived lift off, switch out of landing gear, and turn right towards our area.

'All planes keep formation,' I tell the squadron. 'Co-pilots, ready the cameras. We are approaching target area, spread to full-span and...'

One of the planes speeds past Earendel in a terrifying downwards arc of lost control towards one of the taller skyscrapers. A tower block.

'JG_263, what is going on?!' I question. No reply.

The pilots eject.

The plane crashes into the building.

'This is Officer Cub, CF_135, reporting a code red.' I have to speak slower, but my heart races, panic rising. 'Plane JG_26 has crashed into a tower block. Pilots safe. Call for immediate evacuation, bring backup now, as much as you can provide. Sqaudron,' I change communication channels 'Help anyone you can. Give parachutes, co-pilots eject so we have space for any vulnerable or any children, anyone we can get out.'

I keep circling the building as I speak, spotting 2 young adults with a toddler at their now-broken window. The same storey as the crash. I land on the side of the building below the window.

'Please! Please Mr Hawk help us! Help Hermes! Joel, get in the plane.' Behind me, xB climbs out and into the building.

'Sausage, I'm not bloody abandoning you!'

'No, no, Joel, take Hermes. I'll be fine... Kisses from Daddy Sausage, I love you so much. Hermes, don't get into trouble...'

With goodbyes done, I force Joel into the plane behind me, getting him strapped in. xB gives Hermes his helmet, just small enough to stay on Hermes's head if he holds it. There's no seatbelts for him, but I tell Joel to keep hold of him until we land.

'xB, what's your plan?'

He doesn't reply, continuing to give Sausage his parachute.

'Cub, just go! I'll get Sausage safe!'


'I'm serious! Go!'

I have to, closing the cockpit and dropping from the building. Hermes squeals, before I twist the plane around to normal flight, circling again. I see the others Hawks around helping too, Sausage dropping from the tower block, xB running inside and-

The storey collapses.


Enjoy all the Hawk jargon!

Also Earendel is the furthest (and oldest) star in the known universe.

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