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As they all sat around the table, the atmosphere was filled with lively chatter and laughter. Sayunkta and Armaan were discussing their wedding plans, while Suhana chimed in with her practical advice.
Keya too pinned some ideas however Shivansh, seemed to be in a world of his own.

Keya was also the same, she was just trying to indulge more in the conversation so that the greek god of a man sitting across her was not a big distraction.


Every now and then, their eyes would meet, and a shy smile would grace their lips before they quickly looked away, pretending to be engrossed in the conversation. It was as if they had a silent understanding, a connection that went beyond words.

Suhana, noticing the stolen glances between her best friend and Shivansh, couldn't help but tease her. "You two seem awfully distracted. Is there something you're not telling us?"

Keya blushed and tried to play it cool. "Oh, no, just...admiring the architecture..," she said, gesturing vaguely at the surroundings.

But Suhana being the ever the perceptive one, smiled knowingly. "I think it's more than just the architecture sweetie, every time he is around you always find something to admire right..," she said with a wink.

"Shush!" Keya said blushing.

Armaan then clinked his glass, raising in a toast. "Guys, I am so glad we found you and I think there was no better choice than you both. So officially, to new beginnings and unexpected connections," he said, looking at his princess.

"To new beginnings!" They all raised their glasses.


After dinner, Armaan excused himself to take a call and Sayunkta led Suhana to the washroom.

Keya found herself standing alone in the front foyer of the palace. The grandeur of the surroundings seemed to amplify the quiet moment, and she took a deep breath, reveling in the beauty of the palace.

Shivansh, who had been watching from a distance, saw this as the perfect opportunity to approach her, muttering to himself, "You've got this, Shiv. Just a simple conversation, no big deal."

His inner thoughts, however, were anything but calm.

"Okay, what do I say?
Should I start with a joke?
No, no, that's too risky.
Maybe a compliment?
But what if it comes out wrong?

Ugh, why is this so hard? I've faced down hostile politicians with more ease than this!"

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "Okay, just be yourself. She's just a person, not a queen bee...

although she kind of is,

but that's beside the point. Just go up to her, say hi, and ask how she's doing. Easy, right?"

As he walked towards Keya, his mind raced with possibilities.

"What if I trip over my own feet?
Or worse, what if I accidentally insult her?
No, no, stay positive.
You've got this.
Just smile and act natural."

Finally, Shivansh mustered the courage to approach Keya, he found her, looking radiant in her even casual demeanor. He managed a small smile and said, "Hey, mind if I join you?"

Keya returned the smile, her eyes lighting up, heart beating fast, "yea sure, I must say Mr. Rawat, you have a magnificent palace.."

"Not as magnificent as you.." he thought.

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