Episode 13.5: Going To The Divine Realm To Meet Aria's Parents

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All right here we go Episode 13.5: Going To The Divine Realm To Meet Aria's Parents as by the title in this episode Aria take me to the Divine realm to meet her parents instead of the recap episode I hope you guys are ready for season two after this now I hope you guys enjoy this episode and I hope you're enjoying the story so far now let's begin.

There's a bright flash of white light as Aria and I appear In a beautiful dimension as there's beautiful blue skies beautiful lush green trees and greenery everywhere and lots of ancient Greek architecture and other kinds of ancient architecture "whoa" I say "this is it Izuku welcome to the divine realm the home of every God and goddess where every God and goddess is born and grows up and learns to hone their divine powers" Aria explains "wow this really is a dimension of the gods wait so do even the gods that we humans believe in exist here too?" I ask "yes Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, haefestus, Aphrodite all the Greek gods, Norse gods, Egyptian gods, Japanese gods, Chinese gods the god of every pantheon lives here" Aria explains.

"Wow so does that mean even the-" I was about to ask but Aria cuts me off "no the Christian God doesn't exist humans just made him up as a way to explain what the existing Gods and goddesses do to create the weather and every other phenomenon you humans experience but the devil and demons exist though" Aria says "so hell exists just like the underworld from Greek mythology and every other similar dimension?" I ask "yes anything from any mythology that you humans believe you made up aside from the human created Christian mythology exists, born/created here in the Divine realm" Aria says "so this is basically what Christian's believe as heaven then?" I ask "oh yeah you should see how we make fun of the Catholic twits here we gamble do bingo and etc. to see what the Catholic twits will do next" Aria says "damn if only christians knew that the God they worship was fake and that all the other gods and goddesses exist and are constantly making fun of them here in this realm" I say "It would be a riot for sure" Aria says.

"Now I'll show you around the divine realm" Aria says "before we do that I have another question" I say "what is it?" Aria asks "how does time pass here?" I ask "It passes differently from outside of the divine realm but there Is a kind of artifact that we give mortals that we bring here" Aria says as she pulls out a silver ring with an infinity symbol on it "this is a temporal ring created by father time anyone who wears this ring will be protected from the passage of time of a different dimension or a different planet and they will be protected from any side effects caused by any changes in their personal timeline" Aria explains "so like the time rings from Dragon Ball but they also protect against the body physically ageing" I say "yes as long as you wear that ring when you're here you'll be stuck in time at the point that time on earth in the MHA universe is stopped when I bring you here to the Divine realm" Aria explains and clarifies.

"Cool" I say "now I'll show you around the divine realm" Aria says as we travel across the entire entire divine realm as she shows me everything and I meet a bunch of gods and goddesses from all the different pantheons "this has been so cool thanks for bringing me here Aria" I say "I knew it would blow your mind you ready to head to my father and mother's palace to meet them?" Aria asks "yeah" I say as we make our way there and we arrive in front of a huge divine palace constructed with Greek architecture.

"Woah" I say In awe "Impressive huh this Is my mother and father's palace here In the divine realm" Aria says "woah this Is awesome" I say In awe as I stare at the giant palace "you know Hestia built my mother and father's palace" Aria says as my eyes widen "whoa really Hestia the Greek goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state built this palace?" I ask "yep and she's my aunt In law" Aria says "wait what?!" I ask In shock "that's right" Aria says "that means you would be married to someone in her family" I say "that's right" Aria says showing a divine looking wedding ring on her finger "so who?" I ask "Hercules" Aria says "wait so Hercules Is a god and not a demigod?" I ask "yep" Aria says "so Disney got it right after all" I say "yep Hercules is my husband" Aria says "so since you're my sworn sister that means" I say "yep he's In a way your brother In law not officially because we're not related but still" Aria says "cool!" I shout.

Reincarnated As Izuku Midoriya aka DekuWhere stories live. Discover now