9. A Cup of Coffee

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(This chapter is dedicated to @SilviaKrpatova and her delightful fantasy for the ONC24, A Kind of Magic)

Jack stopped halfway along the corridor, aware of Sven watching closely as he took the keys from his pocket and opened the door. Their eyes met as they took stock of each other in the hall light. Jack swallowed. It was a long time since he had seen such a striking face. High cheekbones with skin as smooth as suede, golden blond hair with just that touch of copper to give it fire. Strong lips, that he... what was he doing? If he kept staring any longer Sven was going to start running fast, in the opposite direction.

He dropped his eyes and pushed open the door. As it was, he had probably been staring long enough to be embarrassing.

Briskly, he took off his leather jacket and hung it on a hook. "Come on in, Sven, and I'll make us some coffee." Would Sven take the opportunity now to say goodbye, to disappear?

He felt a touch of relief when Sven followed him. He was glad that he hadn't scared him off. Jack didn't normally bring strangers back to his flat but something about Sven intrigued him. He'd been telling the truth when he told Sven the invitation was not a proposition, but on the other hand...

Smiling ruefully to himself, Jack led the way through the open plan sitting room to where the compact kitchen nestled at the rear. It boasted a refrigerator, stove and dishwasher as well as a small wooden table which sat in the middle with two matching chairs.

A couch with a couple of armchairs took up space on one half of the main room, along with a television set and some sound equipment. On the opposite wall were two closed doors leading to their bedrooms. A third door stood open, revealing the toilet and the edge of a small bath tucked to one side.

"That's the bathroom," explained Jack, noticing Sven staring as if he'd never seen one before. "You're welcome to use it if you need to."

"Thank you," said Sven, remaining where he was in the middle of the room, staring around.

Where had Sven come from? Really?

Jack was beginning to have grave doubts that he was a tenant in this building, otherwise, why was he looking around as if everything was completely foreign? The flats were all pretty much the same design, apart from personal furniture and fittings.

He hoped he hadn't made a big mistake, inviting a complete stranger, attractive though he might be, into his home.

"Have a seat," he gestured to one of the kitchen chairs.

He busied himself filling the kettle and taking down the cafetiere and two mugs from the cupboard above the sink. He continued chatting, filling the silence which had suddenly become awkward.

"What do you think of the flat? It's a bit bigger than most of them in this building. I was lucky to get one of the larger ones when they were released to the market, but then there are two of us."

"Two?" He saw Seven tense, and shoot a wary glance at the closed doors.

"I share this with my brother, Jean. Well, half-brother to be precise. He's out with friends, but he'll be back later."

Jack wasn't quite sure which of them he was giving a warning to about a possible interruption with this statement.

"Half-brother? How can you have a half-brother?" Sven looked mystified by the concept. Perhaps the term doesn't translate well into Danish, thought Jack.

"We share the same mother, but our fathers were two different men," he explained, pouring the coffee into the mugs. "Mum remarried after Dad died. Hence, half-brothers. How do you take your coffee? Milk? Sugar?"

"Uh... I'll have the same as you."

"Okay, just a dash of milk then. Let me know if you want more."

Sven stared as Jack opened the refrigerator for the milk, appearing fascinated by its contents. He must come from a very primitive part of the world, thought Jack, if he hasn't seen a fridge before. He poured a dash into each mug then placed the carton on the table in case Sven wanted more.

He handed Sven the coffee and watched with amusement as he took the mug gingerly and held it awkwardly in both hands, wincing at the heat. He took a cautious sniff of the brew. And then another, deeper one.

"You drink this?" he queried, both eyebrows raised, as Jack seated himself opposite.

"Yes, it's coffee. I prefer it to tea, actually, but don't tell Jean." Jack chuckled.

Sven looked even more mystified. He waited until Jack took a mouthful before venturing his own cautious sip.

Jack thought the look on his face was priceless. He couldn't help grinning.

"First time, eh? I have some teabags hidden away if you'd prefer one."

"No, this is fine," spluttered Sven, swallowing. He ventured another mouthful.

"So where do you really come from, Sven? I'm pretty sure you don't have a flat in this building." Jack kept his voice as casual as he could.

"Uh... I..." Sven looked very uncomfortable.

Maybe he's here illegally, thought Jack. Though he's dressed in very expensive clothes for a refugee. Far more likely to be somebody's date, who lost their way.

"Never mind, as long as you're not here to murder anyone, I don't need to know the details," declared Jack with a laugh, to show he was joking.

Sven gave a weak smile in return. "You could say I'm a traveller. What do you call it here? A tourist."

"Right. A tourist." Jack wasn't sure he believed him but he wasn't going to push any further. If Sven wanted to tell him what was really going on, he would. Otherwise, he'd just relax and enjoy the company of the most interesting man he'd met for ages.

"Jack, can I ask you-"

Before Sven could finish, there was a rattle at the door and Jean burst in, rain drops sparkling in his glossy hair.

"Jacques, you wouldn't believe it, but it's pouring out there! Oh – sorry to interrupt! Who's this gorgeous guy?" His eyes widened and his lips curved provocatively.

Jack looked from one man to the other. He had the instant answer to two urgent questions.

Sven was definitely gay and Jack didn't have a chance.

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