228 31 72

Congratulations to all the winners!

I copy and pasted usernames right from your forms, so if I tagged anyone wrong, please let me know so I can fix it asap! Copy and paste errors happen, so if you don't see yourself in the reviews, please let me know.

Please do not argue with me. Remember this is for fun and all personal opinion. I don't give harsh feedback, just honest feedback. You're of course entitled to your own opinion and you can disagree with everything I say if you want, but that doesn't mean you should be rude to me. Remember I'm judging by myself, so please be respectful. Ask questions and discuss, but please no hate or arguments! Remember I'm giving a reader's perspective.

The reviews are specific but not as detailed as my main reviews because best concept is one of the mini categories.

If you have any questions, please let me know! Prizes will be distributed soon! I am working on best protagonist, sci fi, and action adventure next.

I am on break. Read my recent announcement to see why. Please give me more time than usual to reply to comments and messages/messages on my mb.

3rd Place

Love Lessons by chansdimpledsmile

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Love Lessons by chansdimpledsmile


The writing style is very fluid and makes sense. It fits the genre well and it was super fun to read. In general, the writing is solid and I didn't notice many consistent grammar errors or typos or anything of the sort, which is crucial for good presentation. Overall, I enjoyed the writing and I think it has many great moments, subtle details, and interesting moments of fresh word choice.

Just some tiny suggestions. There were some sentences where it felt like they were formatted a bit strangely, but only a handful and not enough to be a consistent problem or anything. For example, "Girls got pregnant. Kids got beat up every day, and the teachers. They were the worst part."

It's your style so please don't listen to me if you don't think this will work for your story, but when I say formatted a bit strangely, that's an example of what I was talking about. Sometimes you set up sentences to flow in a certain way, but it ends up changing directions near the end. What I mean is, the way you were setting up that paragraph made it seem like each part would get its own sentence. 

So, like this: "Girls got pregnant. Kids got beat up every day. And the teachers? They were the worst part." 

That's why it felt a little off to me since it felt like you were setting that up with the first sentence and the first half of the second sentence.

I'm aware that's a nitpick, hence why I'm not saying to change it or anything because it's your style and I encourage you to play around with your work and not just blindly listen to me. I still think it's something worth mentioning, but it's really not a big deal.

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