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On the way to the hospital, Everyone chatted. I had quite fun. When we reached, I waved to him and went inside.

At the reception of the hospital:-
"Hello, I'm the neighbour of Mr.Lovegood. I'm here to meet him."

"Hello Ma'am, Let me check if there is someone with this name."

"Okay. Thank you so much for your help."

The counter lady sees and scrolls through her laptop.

"Room number - 20 on the 6th Floor" She shortly replied.

I bowed at her and went in the lift.
The lift was stuck at 4th floor. I tried to dial 6 again and again but it was not working at all. So I decided to go by stairs.

I put a step in a place filled with darkness. The only source of light was a ray coming from the top window. My body trembled with every move I took. The fear I had in myself wasn't enough that -

The window slamed. I looked but there was nothing. I put my steps forward. The wooden floor broke. I was frightened more by now.

I gained courage and still continued to walk again but slowly now. The lift bell rang. Someone came outside of it.

I looked backwards. There was nothing. My eyes went to the mirror in front of the lift. There was someone in the lift as per the mirror. I put hand on my chest.

According to my memory, it was a mannequin. I ran as fast as I could. I knew something was odd. I somehow reached the 5th floor.

I realised that I was breathing heavily.
Now it was alright. There were lights and people coming were going from here to there.

When I reached at Mr.Lovegood room, Bella was already there. She came near me

"What happened, Lily? Why didn't you pick up any of my calls? Where were you?"

"Actually the lift got stuck so I came by stairs from the 4th floor and I didn't got a single call."

"Look! I called you 9 times."

I opened my call history and weirdly there were 9 calls from 'Baby Bella'. I checked my notification sound but it was also full.

"I really didn't receive any calls. Oddly there are but the phone didn't rang, believe me!"

"So weird, Forget it. It took you half an hour to come by stairs?"

"It took me only 5 minutes." I said while widening my eyes.

"Then where the heck were you from the left 25 minutes?"

"I don't get it!" I said in total disbelief.

"Me neither. I can't understand what's going on?" Bella replied and shortly again took me to real life, "Hey! Just Forget it for now. Greet Mr. Lovegood."

"Hello, I'm Lily Granger. Your new neighbour. I saw what happened yesterday. I am sorry to hear that you are admitted in hospital. I hope you get well soon."

"Woahh!! Pretty Big Introduction." A familiar voice said from behind .

I turned back to see that it was none other than our beloved Luna. I hugged her tight.

"Oh Luna, I didn't had your number. Otherwise I would have called you."

"I know! It's not a big deal. You can save them now."

I gave my mobile phone to her. She dialed the number and called herself.
Her phone rang, it was "Eyes don't lie" by Isabel LaRosa.

"No need to write down anymore. I got your number."

"You got a pretty good ringtone."

"Oh Thank you so much."

"Yeah you're beautiful. Don't have to try. Darling you look divine."

"Thanks, Lily." With that she signalled me to sit.

"Hmm. It's weird to ask but can you tell us the whole story about the last couple." Bella asked.

"The land agent didn't told us anything about it." Bella stood up and said.

"You told them the story, Luna?" Mr.Lovegood panicked.

"No Father, I didn't. I started to story but then your accident happened. I told them to ask to the land agent."

"Luna, I told you that this could harm anyone but still you didn't listen to me. You are getting so stubborn day by day."

"Harm someone beloved to you.... Harry told me that he can't tell the story but whoever does something bad happens to someone they love. This is the reason why Mr. Lovegood is in the hospital right now. I know!"
I said and tear rolled down my eye.

"It's not because of you. Don't cry." Luna cuddled me in her arms.

"I'm not crying. I'm not. Never!" I said while wiping my tears.

"I will tell you the story, not right now. It's not safe. You both better be safe. Now go home. Luna will drop you." Mr.Lovegood told me.

I nodded on his saying as I knew that it was for our good only and for him too cause right now we were the reason for his accident.

Luna smiled at us and we knew that it was the right time to leave. I bowed at Mr.Lovegood and said to him.

"Take care of yourself and get well soon. I would love to see you happy and healthy."

He waved at us and we all three left.
In the middle of the way, Luna broke the silence. It was mostly because I was clearing all my thoughts and when I don't speak, Bella doesn't speak too.

"Don't think about it much. It's not big deal, don't worry."

"I am not worried at all. It's just when Lily doesn't speak, I also don't feel like talking." Bella said.


"Yeah it is, the purest of all. I will never leave her." I said while holding Bella's hand.

She looked at our hands through rear mirror and smiled.

"She is really lucky to have you. Very lucky." Luna said while admiring me and Bella.

"No, I'm lucky to have her. She is the most important part of my life." I said while looking into Bella's eyes.

Soon we reached our destination and It was time to say goodbye to Luna. Luna looked at both of us with the emotion of care.

"Take care of yourself and be alert. You are new here so be careful. Got it?" Luna said to us.

We both nodded at her and I unlocked the door. As always I got chills all over my body.

I looked at the swing. I was rememorised of the incident again. I still remember every single freaking second of that incident.

"Let's go, Lily. What's wrong?" Bella asked me with worry in her eyes.

I shooked my head and went with her. I first hesitated but as she was my best friend. I told her about that 4th floor incident.

"You may not believe what happened today! Even I'm myself confused."

"What happened, Lily? You are lately acting weird as I noticed."

"Do you remember that you said I took half an hour to come?"

"Yeah you did take half an hour."

"No, I remember that I didn't recieved any calls or I don't think so I took this much time."

"Just tell me what happened in details?"

"The lift got stuck on the 4th floor. So I decide to go by stairs onwards. I step forward. It was all dark, just a ray of light from window. The window slammed shut. The wooden floor broke. The lift rang and I saw a mannequin in the mirror. I ran. When I reached the 5th floor, everything was fine."


Thank you so much for giving your precious time to read this story and also for your support. See you next time with a new chapter till then Love you all 💖

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