Chapter 3: Fat Dog

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The white clock tower was larger than it had seemed from a distance. It leaned against the opposite building, and created a makeshift archway. Kayla glanced up at the stagnant clock hands above, easily as tall as her, only much sharper. After what happened at the subway she was reluctant to go under it. But none of the others seemed to have such reservations.

"Botty, Botty, Botty, Bot~~ ♪ "

Tara held onto Nanny Bot's hand and swung their arms back and forth as they walked. She hummed an odd tune in time to their steps and seemed happier than she had in a long time. The bot did too, more so, if that was possible.

It turned to her and extended its other hand,「Hold hands?」


Kayla stared at the outstretched metal hand. And glanced over at Bunbun and James. They had already walked in under the clocktower, and in the shadows their slumped figures appeared extra sulky. She carefully placed her hand in its.


Kayla pressed her lips tighter together. Her arms were spread out as far as they could reach on either side of her and her ears defensively pulled back. She stood her ground.


James narrowed his eyes and adjusted his grip on the metal pipe. His tail swayed irritably. He stepped to his left, she stepped to his left. He stepped right, she stepped to the right. He hissed in frustration.

"Kayla what do you want me to do?!" He partially let go of the pipe and waved his left hand in exasperation, "We can't let it keep following us! It's dangerous!"


The metal was warm. She expected it to be cold, or scorching hot due to the sun, but it was close to body temperature. It bent its fingers around hers, and the gentle action was far from what she would expect from a bot. She marveled at the sensation.

Then the sun disappeared. She looked away from their joined hands and watched the tower above as they continued into the shadows. After a few steps, she felt her hand being pulled at. The bot was lightly swinging their arms, just as Tara did with its other. Back and forth. Back and forth.

Before she knew it, they exited on the other side. She lifted her other hand to shield from the sunlight. And looked over at the bot. She opened her mouth, and closed it. Her brows furrowed at herself, she lowered her head.


He was right. She knew he was right. But it had saved them. It was the sole reason they were still here, and James still alive. That didn't mean she wanted it after them, for it to stalk them— She didn't want to wake to glowing eyes in the night ever again. But she didn't want James to hurt it either.

It almost seemed ridiculous to think he could, after what they just witnessed. But it hadn't fought back the last time, she didn't see why it would now.

She raised her chin and opened her mouth, but the childish voice that sounded wasn't her own— "Nooo!" Tara pointed at James and stomped her chubby leg, two actions that together were quite ridiculous. "Saved you! You-you... meanie!"


"How?" A simple mumble, nearly inaudible. She slowed, and her hand slipped out of the bot's grip. She threw a glance at the others again.

Nanny Bot stopped and turned, its blank face stared directly back at her. She faltered as she met its gaze, but still whispered, "How did you do that? W-Why did you do that?" She couldn't backtrack now, but she needed to know.

Nanny Bot in the Apocalypse Where stories live. Discover now