7. Encounters and Revelations

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Freen and Becky were peacefully eating their lunch when they heard some noises outside. Freen left Becky and went out to see who it was. She found a tall girl standing in the center of the hall, looking at the ancient architecture and pictures. The girl was taking pictures of all the moments, and when she raised her eyes to look at Freen, who was standing on the first floor, their eyes met, sending shivers down the girls spine. She felt butterflies in her tummy as their eyes locked.

Freen asked, "Who are you?"

The girl, looking at Freen lovingly as though she had fallen in love with her at first sight, replied, "Well, I'm Deek. I came here to accompany you two. The chairman sent me. Another agent will be joining soon!"

Freen nodded and invited her to come up. Deek ascended the stairs, her heart racing with each step. Freen's eyes were like an ocean, and the girl wished she could stare at them for hours. She couldn't help but glance down at Freen's lips, which looked pulpy and inviting. She had to control her arousal to maintain her composure.

Finally, the girl reached Freen, who offered her hand for a handshake, but the girl didn't take it. Freen then took her inside, where they found Becky already drifted off to her dreamland. Freen sighed and expressed her worry about Becky to Deek, mentioning that Becky's mom had asked her to look after her.

Deek assured Freen, saying, "Don't worry, Freen. She'll be fine. Let's go out and explore the palace!"

Freen agreed, and they ventured outside. Freen hadn't had the chance to observe the surroundings when they first arrived at the palace in the dark. Deek proved to be a knowledgeable guide, showing Freen around the locality. Freen asked, "How do you know about the surroundings?"

Deeksha explained, "I've been here for a while. I've been dealing with this case for so long that I know every corner of the place. I just haven't been inside the palace."

Freen inquired why the chairman wanted her and Becky to work on the case instead of Deek. Deek replied, "You already know the answer. Haven't you seen the paintings? You and her are the reincarnations of Anilaphat and Pinalthita."

Freen was taken aback. "How do you know? You said you hadn't been inside the palace."

Deek scratched her nape and said, "I've heard many stories about them from nearby villagers, and I've seen their photos. This palace is haunted, and Queen Anilaphat's spirit still roams around, searching for her dead Pinalthita. It's said that they were stepsisters, and their love was forbidden by the king. The king even brutally killed Pin for not obeying his orders."

Freen absorbed the information, feeling shocked by everything. She realized that the spirit of Anil still lingered in the palace. Deek snapped her out of her thoughts, saying, "Let's go inside. It'll be dark soon."

As they entered, they headed straight to Becky's room, only to find it empty. Panic set in, and Freen instructed Deek, "I'll check this way, you go that way!"

Deek nodded, and they split up to search for Becky. Freen's hands trembled with anxiety as she ran, desperately looking for Becky. Suddenly, near the sword practice area, she heard the sound of swordplay. She stopped and entered the area, where she found Becky practicing with a sword, swinging it perfectly. To Freen's surprise, it looked like there was another sword swinging alongside Becky's, as though someone else was practicing with her.

Nervously, Freen approached Becky and hugged her from behind. Becky stopped and turned to look at Freen, smiling. She said, "Pin, you always do this! Don't interrupt me while I'm practicing, and what if father sees us?"

Confused, Freen asked, "Becky, I'm Freen. What are you talking about?"

Becky put the sword away and turned to Freen. She said, "Pin, come, let's try something new. I've asked Uncle Anon to make us some special food for dinner!"

Freen was utterly bewildered. What was happening with Becky? Why was she acting so strangely?


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