Chapter 10: Late Night Visitor

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"(Y/n)!" A voice sends a rush of air to my lungs as I gasp, trying to ground myself into consciousness. Familiar red-hair flutters in front of me, their hands grabbing my arms to give me a light shake.

Eliza. Worry varnishes her face, and it was as if she could read my emotions. "Come on. Let's get you some water and air."

She leads me to the back of the room, people parting the way and staring as we walk past them. I used to hate having the center of attention; it was the worst feeling ever. But, somehow, I managed to feel something tonight that took that title.

Am I being a little overdramatic? Sure. He didn't do or say much that imposed a direct threat, on the surface. But, the way he spoke, the way he phrased his words, the way he looked at me, these subtle actions made it clear who held the power, who was beneath who. The aura and energy that radiated off of him did much of the talking for him.

There was no doubt in my mind that he was destined to be the Emperor. Just one sentence, look can make you feel as if you were the tiniest person on this planet.

I didn't like it. I didn't like him.

He is not the prince charming they speak of in fairytales. In fact, he rivaled the monsters they slain.

A water cup is shoved into my trembling fingers. The adrenaline must've worn off, for the weight of what just transcribed began to sink in my mind. I don't feel nearly as bold as I once did when I spoke ill-mannered to him. I should've just listened to Eliza, apologize, then shut my mouth.

'This isn't over,' his words echoed in my brain.

"That's it. We're taking a step outside," I hear before I am dragged to the side of the room.

"Move," she demands to the guard blocking the door.

"My lady, we cannot allow guests in and out, for it is nightfall. We don't want to potentially let in an intruder," I hear a polite voice.

"Did you not hear me? I think you forget that I am not just a 'lady.' I am a princess. So, you will let her highness out," Eliza snaps, growing impatient and more concerned by the minute.

I feel her glance over at me, still unable to speak. Rather, I just didn't know what to say, at the moment.

The guard is silent for a moment, before coming to a compromise. I feel his gaze flutter over to me, pity in his voice. "Please stay within the castle grounds."

The doors open, a gust of frigid air hitting me in the face, grounding me in reality. I take in a deep breath, before exhaling loudly, for once, appreciating the shockingly chilly temperature. Little flakes of white melted upon my contact with my burning skin.

"What did I do wrong?" I mumble, turning to Eliza.

"Nothing. Life just decided to spit on your existence for no reason," Eliza spat, angry on my behalf.

"Here." She places the water cup back in my hand. She must've taken it from me at some point during my dissociation.

"Thank you, Eliza." I felt tears well up against my will. I sip at the liquid, my parched throat greedily taking it in.

'I miss my parents.' I couldn't help but let those thoughts into my head. This was not the time to be thinking about that.

This night was going horribly. I had two rules, and I managed to break both of them and create a mess of a situation. I just want to go home.

Eliza hugs me firmly, rubbing my back in circular motions.

Sometimes, being sheltered constantly was a blessing and a curse. On one hand, struggle and emotional distress was not very present in my life, something that kept me happy. But, times like these made me wish that I had experience that would have allowed me to be better at dealing with intense situations.

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