Chapter 3

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We strolled into the training grounds. There were so many people sparring. Everything looked so fun as I scanned the place. There were people doing hand-to-hand combat spars, there were some people testing out new gadgets on dummies. "This is the training grounds!" Daisy said. "Oh, yeah did you get time to think about what department you'll be taking in the organization?" Daisy asked, looking at me expectantly. I felt sweat run down my forehead as I had almost forgotten about what course I'd like to pursue. So far, I read in the beginner's textbook here that there are multiple departments to sign up for. There was the front desk assistant, the next front desk person, a training ground's instructor, a spy tutor, an inventor, a secretary for the head, the lunch ladies, the chefs, the standard spy, and more! "I was thinking of being the standard spy!" I blurted out. "Ooooh, good choice! I heard you get 150,000 cash a month! Your salary can increase depending how well you did on the mission!" Daisy exclaimed, doing a little happy dance and clasping her hands around mine. "I'm going to immediately apply you to the training academy, okay?" Daisy said, yanking my arm and dragging me to the academy. We entered through the doors, there was another front desk person. This time it was a boy a few years older than me. He had long, unruly dark hair and he had hazel eyes. He looked up the moment we entered. "Daisy-!" he said, jumping up and down like a little kid. I saw other students turn to look at the racket. Daisy immediately flushed and went up to him and clasped her hand over his mouth before he might spout more nonsense. "Duncan! I told you not to call me that in public! Code names only, remember!" her voice was lowered to a whisper. He chuckled and nodded. Then Daisy hurriedly let go of his face. She pouted and crossed her arms, trying to cover her embarrassment. "NightRaven, this is CosmicWolf, my boyfriend," Daisy told me, her face turning beet red. "Hello, CosmicWolf," I waved a little. "I'm NightRaven and I want to apply for the standard spy course here at the academy!" I requested. "Good choice!" Duncan agreed "May I have your ID card?" he asked, putting his hand out. I rummaged through my pockets until I found my ID card. I watched Duncan stare at the number on the card and began tapping the keyboard with the same number on my card. After he pressed the enter button on the keyboard he looked up at me, "You've enrolled! Classes start at 9:00 in the morning! They end at 5:30 PM!". I grinned. "Make sure to ask GrayWolf for gym clothes and the school swimsuit! Also Daisy will carry your textbooks, schedules, and school materials list with you to your dorm!" Duncan said, as he pulled out a large box of starter school supplies. He heaved the box into Daisy's arms and gave her a peck on the cheek. I saw her blush, as she registered on what just happened. Daisy and I walked out the front doors after Duncan returned my ID card. "Man, that boy's got a lot of nerve! He always makes my heart flutter in the stupidest ways!" Daisy said, steam coming out of her ears. I giggled at how cute of a couple they were. I just realized Daisy mostly only ever showed her playful and sweet side to strangers, but then she shows an angry and serious vibe in front of Duncan. "Well he is the right one for you, if he brings out your true self!" I blurted out randomly. She gazed at me, bewilderment filling her eyes. Then, she looked back and gave a soft smile, "Maybe, you're right" she said in a soft tone. I blushed at the cute expression on her face. Once we got back to my dorm, Daisy helped me put my stuff away. "Classes start tomorrow, so don't be late! I'll walk with you to class!" Daisy said, wiping sweat off of her face. "See ya!" I called to her, as she slammed the door behind her. I noticed the other side of the room was now fully decorated. When did someone move in? Then I saw someone emerge from the top of the other loft bed. It was a girl, she looked like she was two years younger than me. She had brown locks that were very long and wavy. She had long eyelashes, pouty lips, slim eyebrows, and the perfect jawline that didn't have any extra skin that you could pinch. Her cheeks were very rosy and soft, she also had such a cute nose. She yawned, and stretched, then her gaze locked onto me. "Oh, hello, you must be my roommate," she said groggily. I shook my head, to shake off the surprise. "Hey, I'm NightRaven" I replied. She looked me up and down. "I'm FrostCat, too bad you don't have any natural beauty, otherwise you'd be pretty" she scoffed at me. I felt like a vein might pop. "F.YI. NightRaven is a stupid name" she added, plopping back into bed. I felt my fist clench. She's one to talk, she had make-up posters plastered all over her side of the room. "Well, someone so girly like you, shouldn't be here!" I retorted, my blood boiling. I changed into my pajamas and climbed up onto the loft bed. The sheets smelled nice and clean, as I drifted into a deep sleep

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