Chapter Nineteen

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In the dark, I knelt. I was terrified. My anxiety had risen in my mind to such a degree that I was shaking in fear. I tried to be brave, but if I were to be completely honest, I was scared. I didn't know what future lay ahead of me. I only knew that I would be cared for. That my mistress wanted me. That I was desired.

I tried to think on that. Remember that I was a valued slave, bought and paid for. I would not be going just anywhere.

When finally light broke the room and the door opened, it was hard to see at first. Once my eyes had adjusted, I saw an overseer. She stood in red ceremonial robes, her hands placed together at the palms. "Arise," she said softly.

When I did, she took hold of my leash, and brought me into a royal blue and gold ritual room. There was a huge altar of golden idols and various items of sacrifice upon it. Curls of smoke from sweet smelling incense rose cloyingly upward.

But I only had eyes for the exquisitely lovely woman seated before the little ritual table in the middle of the room. I was led to this table and I knew to kneel on the pillow I was brought to. A ritual tea was laid out, and we would share cups of tea we each poured each other. The tea was light and floral, and we faced each other when we drank it, staring into each other's eyes.

She had brilliant blue eyes. Crystalline almost, bright and keen. She focused on me in a way that made me feel seen for the first time in my life. I had never been so...focused upon before, and I was fully smitten. I gave her just as much energy as she gave me.

I wanted her to see me.

The overseer sat down, and watched us pour and drink our tea. This was done silently. It was the beginning of our relationship, so it was the most important part of the ritual.

Her hair was long and braided, and shined strawberry gold. I thought her quite handsome. She had a piercing stare that shot through me, and I was struck by it. I knew it was the stare I would be captivated by for the rest of my life.

The overseer waited until our cups were empty, and lit a thick temple candle. "Madame Helena of the Swan Clan, you have come of your free accord to bind this willing slave to your people. By accepting Rowan into your Clan, Rowan, you in turn adopt the Swan Clan's ways and laws, and leave your own behind. You are never to see your former family again, for your new family is your mistress's. With your acceptance of this tea, your new Clan has accepted you."

I gave a respectful bow and spoke my reply. "I am honored to join the Swan Clan. Thank you, Mistress, for accepting me."

"Thank you, Rowan, for joining me on my path," she said softly. I thought of that moment we had had together when I had only heard her moan and gasp. Her voice was just as handsome as the rest of her, and I shivered. "You are now a daughter of my clan and will always be."

The overseer smiled, and handed us incense to light at the temple candle. This, we did at the same time. We laid these incense sticks on the altar together, paying homage to the gods of our culture. We bowed before them.

The overseer gestured to my mistress. "The collar, Madame."

My mistress raised up a very delicate, lace-like chain. It was very pretty, dangling with a circle ring at the middle so that she could attach a matching leash. This, she placed around my neck, and when I sat back, she smiled at me. "How beautiful you look," she said softly.

A little swan hung from the circle ring. This detail made me blush.

The overseer raised her hands palm up. "The Auction has recognized and witnessed your union. May life be long for the pair of you, and may the gods bless this union with good memories. Madame Helena of the Swan Clan, you may now take home Rowan of the Swan Clan."

We stood, and the overseer allowed my mistress to clothe me in a light silk robe. She closed it for me, tying it tightly. "We will open this later," she told me quietly, smiling and tapping the end of my nose knowingly.

"You may collect your other slaves as you exit the Auction House," the overseer told my mistress, who nodded. "Good. I have brought carriages for them to ride in."

"Yes, Madame. Am I to understand these are seats with secure lengths for each slave to sit upon?"

"Per law, yes. I did my homework, worry not. And every chair they shall sit in has been personally outfitted for them." My mistress smiled. "Worry not, I've done my homework."

"As long as the law is respected, we at the Auction House happily give you ownership."

My mistress tugged on my leash. "Come, my little swan. You and I ride alone, together. Let us go collect your slaves, and you may direct whichever one you want to go on the thickest or thinnest toy you desire." She winked at me. "I heard one slave got a bit mouthy with you once. Perhaps you might like to put her on the thickest?"

I flushed hot, but couldn't stop from smiling mischievously. "Y-yes, Mistress," I murmured.

She reached into my robe and tugged on one of my nipples, hardening it into a little point. "Let us go, then. Show me how graceful you are on a leash, little swan."

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