35 3 5

About 4 hours later, I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. The full moon shines through the window in my room, only making me miss home even more. My mind is busy. Everything seems to be moving at 1000 miles an hour, and I don't know how to make it stop.

I think of Julian, and my family. What are they doing right now? Huddled together behind a locked door? Is Julian getting any sleep? What about Tess? What was she doing?

And then there's Finnick, but too many questions come along with that. How could he think that things could just go back to the way they were 3 years ago? Just because he's talking to me again? Trust isn't gained back that easily.

I could think that all I like, but in reality I'd give anything to go back to the way things were, even if that makes me naive.

The idea of sleeping on a train couldn't seem more ridiculous, but the gentle rocking actually lulls me into a dreamless sleep. When I woke, the sun shon right in my eyes. Perfect. One less day to live. I think to my self grumpily as I reef back the covers and stumble out of bed.

I wash my face in the ensuite connected to my bedroom in an attempt getting rid of the half asleep look. Incase I hadn't made it obvious, I was not a morning person. So with nothing else to wear, I slip back into my linen dress and stumble out of my room.

After some how managing to locate the dining room, I spot Cory, Lucia, and Finnick sitting at a large table, partaking in morning activities. I found it a little strange that I hadn't seen Cory since the reaping until now. Even then, he held his head down wearily, staring down at a mug of something.

"Ah, she rises!" Finnick teases and I shoot him a glare. If I was feeling up to it, I would have replied with some smart remark, beginning the back and fourth teasing like we used to. Instead, I only move my glare over to the shiny clock hanging on the wall. 9:30, it read.

I slump down on a spare chair, and Finnick, who seems to guess that jokes weren't the best of ideas, hands me a mug of tea. I bring the mug to my chapped lips as I glance around the table. Cory is pretending he doesn't exist, and Lucia is still refusing to make eye contact, for the full 5 minutes I have sat here. Which, I suppose works in my favour, given I wasn't ready to apologise yet.

A waiter, likely Avox, pushed a trolley filled with a selection of foods. Eggs, poached, scrambled, and fried, next to a plate of bacon & sausages. Toasted bread rolls sit on the second level of the trolley, and next to it were a selection of spreads. I have to admit that my mouth started watering. I was hungry, given the fact I skipped dinner, so grab a plate and load it with a little bit of everything.

"Thought you might be hungry." Finnick says, seemingly glad that I had gained my appetite back.
"I would be, too, if I refused a meal." Scoffs Lucia from the other side of the table.

Wow. It really doesn't take much to offend her. All I did was mimic her. If I didn't know she was so sensitive, I would have kept my mouth shut. Serves her right. She's the one who got offended over something silly, My mind grumbles. That's when I remember what Finnick said. So I try to resist rolling my eyes, and and open my mouth to apologise.
"I'm sorry, Lucia. I wasn't exactly at my best yesterday."

She pauses for what feels like eternity, then finally, looks up from her newspaper.
"That's quite alright." She says in a satisfied tone. I only nod and move my focus back down to my breakfast, which I finish with ease. Thankfully, after breakfast and 2nd rounds of tea, I start to feel more awake. So I pick up my empty plate and mug, lift myself up from the table and ask,

"Where do I go to wash these?"
Lucia frowns at me in confusion, and answers simply.
"Oh, just leave them on the table. Someone will come to get them later."

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