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                                - billie's pov -

"you're really about to go hang with quinn?" zoe asked as i was dropping her off at home from the wedding.

"i mean," i shrugged. "saylor is literally married now and probably about to move away. what would it hurt?"

"just be smart about it eilish," she said. "you don't even know her. it's clear you're just doing it to take your mind off saylor."

"shut up," i told her. "you know nothing."

zoe chuckled. "just be careful."

i looked back to the message thread between quinn and i and tapped the location she sent me. i followed the directions there and made it within like 15 minutes.

i got out the car and walked up to her front door. i took a deep breath before knocking. it wasn't that long before the door opened and quinn stood before me, in a tank top and shorts.

i grinned nervously. "hi."

"hi," she smiled. "come in," she moved out the way.

i walked in and she led me to her couch where we sat. we honestly just talked and got to know each other a bit, she seems cool but i keep having to remind myself that she's friends with paige.

"so if you live here in LA, how'd you become friends with paige?" i asked.

"i lived in palm springs growing up but i came here for college and just stayed," she shrugged. "i kept tryna tell paige and moony to come out here too but paige rather stay where they were."

"oh," i nodded.

"enough about them though," she sighed. "tell me more about billie."

i giggled. "what else do you wanna know?"

"oh i don't know," she shrugged shyly.

"seeeee," i joked.

"look," she started. "i have to use the bathroom but by the time i come back, you better have some type of fact about you ready to share."

"yes ma'am," i chuckled, shaking my head.

as i sat there, pondering on wtf im going to tell this girl, my phone rang.

i answered. "hello?"

and all i heard was the sound of glass being thrown and broken, and loud screams.

"saylor?!" i exclaimed.

"stop!" i heard her scream, along with the sound of more things being broken. "please!"

then the phone hung up.

"fuck," i mumbled as i got up quickly and started walking towards the door.

then quinn came back out. "wait you're leaving?"

"im sorry," i told her as i ran out the door and shut it.

i got in my car and sped off. i haven't driven this fast since the night paige hit saylor with that ice skate.

i was in such a panic, i didn't know what to do. so i called 911.

"hello? i need help, like now!"

"my friend.. she- she's in danger."

"yes, this apartment.. this unit."

"she has long black hair, and the abuser is taller with brown hair."

"no please hurry like you have to hurry!"

"yeah, im almost there now."

minutes later, i pulled up to the apartment complex and got out my car with quickness. i ran to saylor's apartment door and immediately froze as i didn't know the code to her door.

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