-Chapter Three-

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I'm taken to the medical office, which is next to the principal's office. A nurse walks in and asks Aaron what has happened. He answers her questions, and then the nurse asks him to leave for the time being.
I lay on the bed, which is pretty uncomfortable. The nurse, whose name tag reads: 'Nadia', after examining me, explains that there is no severe damage to my vagina.
"The only reason there was blood is because it was very rough for your first time," she explains to me, and then continues. "There is normally blood if a guy is going rough on a virgin. There will just be a bump on the back of your head, and probably some bruising around your inner thighs. Nothing permanent. Would you like me to call Aaron back to the office so he can take you to your room?"
After soaking up all of the information she has given me, I nod in response to her question.
She taps a few numbers on the phone's keypad, putting the phone to her ear once she's done.
"Yes, please come back down to the medical office. Bye," she says, and then puts the phone back down.
Less than a minute later, just as I finish wrapping up in the blanket again, Aaron barges in, a concerned look on his face.
"Is she okay?" he asks the nurse.
"Yes, she is fine. Nothing severe. Just a bump on the head and some inner thighs bruises. She will be fine," Nadia replies.
"Thank God." He turns to me, and rushes over, picking me up bridal style, but gently.
We say goodbye to Nadia. Aaron exits, with me in his arms. He takes me to his room and locks the door behind him, setting me on his bed.
"Let's get you some clothes, princess."
He rummaged through his drawers and pulls out my uniform.
"You got it back?" I ask.
"Yeah, Mr. Gangson let me go back in to grab it for you."
He unclips the lace bra, securing it around my breasts and clasping it in the back.
"Lay down," he orders.
I do as he says, and he slides the skirt back onto me. Did I ever mention the skirt doesn't have any underwear, or even a thong?
Aaron lays down beside me, pulling a blanket over us, and then begins to spoon me. He bites my neck gently, leaving a hickey. His hands are secure around my chest, and pulls my smaller body against his. I yawn, starting to doze off.

~~~~~~~The next morning~~~~~~~

I wake up, trying to stretch, but Aaron mumbles something against my neck, in which I couldn't decipher, as he pulls my body tightly against his.
"I'm hungry," I mumble.
He lets go of my waist. "Let's go get you some food, princess."
I yawn, climbing out of bed and changing into a clean uniform, not minding if Aaron sees. He's already seen me plenty of times. What makes changing any different? He changes as well, and then we are off to the food court.
"I don't want those assholes hurting you again. You stay by my side the entire time, okay princess?"
I nod, linking my arm through his. We arrive at the food court, almost everyone turns their head to stare when we walk in.
Someone comes up to me. "Is it true Rylan got suspended because of you?"
I open my mouth to reply but Aaron responds quickly. "No, it's not. His own choices got him suspended. Stop listening to rumors."
The girl nods, and scurries away. She's probably going back to her little gang to give them the information.
"I don't know if the principal mentioned this to you, but every Saturday afternoon, the school does some sort of competition. Last time it was a scavenger hunt. This time, it's supposed to be some sort of capture the flag."
I nod along as Aaron speaks. He checks his watch.
"It's 10:30am, so when the clock hits 12:30 this afternoon, they announce the rules, and then the game starts at 1. That's what they normally do."
"I see... so we're supposed to run in this?" I ask.
As if on cue, a female voice starts to speak over the intercom.
"Announcement! For the game this afternoon, it will be a version of capture the flag, called Rescue. The school will split into 4 teams. Teams will be sent out soon to your emails. The basic premises of the game goes as followed: Each team will have a random chance at numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Team 1 will get first pick. Then Team 2, and so on. They are allowed to choose any member from any team, other than their own, as the "victim." The victims will be announced before the game starts, and if you are a victim, you are to report to my office until you recieve further instructions on where to go. Half of the members from the victims team will be trying to rescue them, while the other half guards the other team's victim. Keep in mind, you have to be at least 15 feet from the victim you are guarding, and you cannot stand in one place the entire time. You have to bring your victim back to your team within 3 hours or you lose. You may be creative. I will send out the teams in 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, teams get together and discuss who the victim will be, and where you will put the victim you are guarding. You may go change into running gear if you prefer. Or, you can stay in what you are wearing. Good luck. Games begin soon."
After processing all of the information she gives us, Aaron and I look at each other. "I want to change," I tell him.
"Okay, just for the game, beautiful," he replies.
I smile, and we walk to his dorm. He changes first, and then we proceed to my dorm. I change into some tight-fitting leggings and a cropped t-shirt. Underneath is a thong and a lacy bra. I put on a pair of socks and my sneakers. I'm ready.

~~~~~~~20 Minutes Later~~~~~~~

My phone dings. I check the notification. It's my email, with the list of teams attached. I scroll, looking for my name. I finally see it on Team 3. Two names down from mine is Aaron Champion. I tap Aaron, who is sitting next to me in my room, on the shoulder.
"We're on the same team!"I squeal.
"Sweet, what team?"
Another announcement comes over the loudspeakers. "I trust that you all have found which team you're on. Teams should meet in the food court and choose where to go from there. You have the next 30 minutes to decide where your base is and which person from your team is the victim."
Aaron and I rush to the food court. We weren't the only ones rushing; everyone was speed walking or running in the direction of the food court.
We arrive minutes later, and I find a large group of people in the back right corner holding up the number 3 on their fingers.
"Aaron, over here!" I say, tugging on his hand as I pull him in the direction of our group.
As we approach, most people start glaring at me. Some have a look of disgust on their face.
A brunette starts to speak. "Majority votes win. I vote Delaney as the victim. Raise your hand if you vote for Delaney as well."
Pretty much everyone except for Aaron and I raise their hands.
"I don't want to be the victim, though," I say.
"Too bad. Majority wins, bitch. Suck it up and deal with it," the brunette replies, crossing her arms.
I roll my eyes at her.
"Victims will now report to my office while their group finds a place to guard," our principal says over the loudspeaker.
"Bye, beautiful," Aaron says, giving me a hug before I have to leave.
"Bye," I mumble into his chest.
He lets me go and I leave, heading to Ms. RoseGarden's office.
Once I arrive, Ms. RoseGarden starts speaking to the 4 girls there, which include myself.
"Angelica, you will be Team 4's captive. Head to the gym. Tish, you will be Team 3's captive. Head to the auditorium. Frankie, you will be Team 2's captive. Please head to the food court. And finally, Delaney. I will show you to the game room since you are new. Come along."
Ms. RoseGarden leaves the room, and I follow behind her, taking in the new hallways and surroundings that I haven't been in yet. I see a team up ahead, and they all either look pissed, or have an evil smirk on their face.
"Games begin when in around 20 minutes. I will announce it over the loudspeaker," Ms. RoseGarden tells us, and then walks quickly back the way she came.
"How should we guard the slut?" a tall guy with jet black hair says.
"I already have a plan," says an all too familiar voice. I match the voice to a face. Rylan.
"Great, what's the plan?" the black-haired guy asks him.
Rylan doesn't reply, he just takes charge. He grabs my wrist and starts to drag me into the game room, his fingernails digging into my wrist.
"How about we tie her up and hide her in here?" Rylan asks everyone, as I struggle to get out of his grip.
I hear murmurs of agreement from the rest of Rylan's team.
"Okay, go outside the room while I tie her up. Decide who will be guarding and who will be runners."
Everyone obeys, leaving me and Rylan alone in the room.
"You think you got away from me, huh?" Rylan growls.
He digs his fingernails into my wrist even harder. I whimper in pain, trying to get him to let go. He chuckles and grabs a pair of handcuffs from his pocket. He handcuffs my hands behind my back. Grabbing another pair of handcuffs, he cuffs my ankles together, and then proceeds to shove me onto the floor.
Rylan grabs a piece of cloth from his pocket and some duct tape. He shoves the cloth in my mouth, which I immediately try to spit out, but earn a slap across the face and three layers of duct tape over my mouth.
Tears well at the corners of my eyes. I look at him, my eyes pleading, for him to at least take the gag off.
"How about we do one more thing, yeah?"
Rylan grabs a pair of scissors and cuts my shirt and leggings off, leaving me in my bra and thong. He throws the clothes aside, and proceeds to pull a vibrator out of his pocket.
My eyes widen and I shake my head, willing him to get away from me. He puts the vibrator inside of my pussy and pushes a button on a remote to turn it on. Immediately, I start squirming, trying to miraculously get it out. He just laughs, picks me up, and puts me in the corner of the room. Rylan moves the 2 pool tables around me, almost like a fence, closing me in.
I'm crying so hard, my shoulders are shaking, and so are my legs, from the vibrator. Rylan waves goodbye at me and laughs, exiting the room.
A voice crackles in over the loudspeaker. "Let the game... begin."


Word Count: 1925

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