12.A Bad Dream

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*Dogday felt so comfortable by catnap's side, especially with the cat's tail wrapping around his hand and the warmth of the cat's body making the doggo feel so peaceful. Catnap's presence was just like a blanket covering and protecting Dogday from the outside world, and he felt that nothing could separate them now.*

Kickin: "The way that they look when they're this close, it honestly seems like they have created a perfect bond with one another."

*but unfortunatly, dogday and the others would have to get up soon, dogday tried to get up ut catnap refused to let go*

*Although Dogday wanted to get up and leave, he could feel Catnap's tail gripping even more onto his hand, as if the cat was holding him in place and telling the doggo not to leave or try to go away at all. This had Dogday trying to gently remove Catnap's tail from his hand, but he wasn't being able to move it at all.*

*With Catnap's tail refusing to let go of Dogday's hand, the doggo was starting to feel that this was not normal. Catnap's tail usually didn't grip this tightly during his sleep, so there might be something different happening. As Catnap didn't react at all to what Dogday was trying to do, the doggo had to try and find out the solution to this new issue...it was certainly strange how this hadn't happened before.*

Picky:his ears are back down....

Hoppy:is he having a nightmare?

*As Dogday noticed the state of the cat's ears, being that they were down, he wondered if this meant that Catnap was possibly having a bad dream, and that was why his tail was gripping so tight on his hand and not letting him go at all.*

*Dogday had to find out what was making Catnap's dream such a nightmare. So he had to figure out what the cat was dreaming of so he could make it better to make the cat calm down in his sleep again.*

Bobby:wait....is he crying...?

*They all noticed the small tears forming on catnap's closed eyes*

*As everyone noticed that the fluffy cat was crying, this surprised and worried everyone. Not once had they seen Catnap cry in this way, and the fact that this was happening now was a little confusing and strange.*

Dogday: "Something is really bothering the cat, that's why he's crying in this way and not letting me get up...We all should help him right now!"

*The gang knew that Catnap needed their help right now in his moment of need. They couldn't just stand there without trying to do something. So the gang came together, and decided to try to give Catnap some comfort by gently petting him and whispering encouraging words to him, hoping that this would ease the cat into getting rid of the nightmare he was having right now.*

*it did seem to be working a bit, since he seem to be a bit more calmed but still had tears running down his cheeks and his ears remained down*

*The fact that this was making Catnap calmer to some degree, made Dogday have that hope of being able to get Catnap out of his current nightmare. It would take some time and love, but the doggo thought that if they kept taking care of the cat like this, Catnap would eventually leave the nightmares behind and be okay once again...*

Bobby: "I can't believe Catnap is still crying even though we're giving him attention, there still must be some sort of nightmare that he is experiencing right now that's making him this sad, poor cat..."

*they comfort him until he wasn't crying anymore*

*Everyone's efforts paid off, and they managed to stop Catnap from crying. Now the doggo was feeling a bit relieved that the cat was finally calm and not in an emotional breakdown in his sleep. However, the fact that Catnap was still with his ears down, and feeling like he was still inside the nightmares he was having, made Dogday feel like he should try and talk to Catnap to really help him out of this state.*

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