Chapter 23

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Bree stands with her bag at the door and I feel strangely displeased about her leaving. Maybe I just don't love the idea of her going back to her apartment until I've had a chance to check it out. The building maintenance guy said they couldn't replace the locks until tomorrow, so in the meantime her door might as well be wide open.

"I don't think it's a good idea to go back to your apartment until they can get those locks changed," I say. "You can stay with me another night."

She smiles but shakes her head.

"I was actually planning on swinging by my sister's house today. I could just stay the night there I guess."

"Perfect," I say. "As long as you've got somewhere to go."

"Sure. It's probably a good idea."

I walk her back to her door and give her place another quick look-over before heading back to mine.

After the incident earlier with Eli, the last thing I want to do is invite him back here. Unfortunately, if someone snuck into Bree's yesterday, I'm gonna need all the help I can get, so I send him a text telling him to get his ass over here.

When I open the door, Eli has his eyes pinched closed.

"Is it safe to look?" he teases.

"Yeah," I say. "Turns out that's what happens when you knock like a fucking normal person."

I step aside and gesture for him to come in.

"In my defense," he says as he steps inside, "you literally have never had a woman in your apartment as long as you've lived here—not once. I was beginning to think you were saving yourself for marriage."

He chuckles at his own joke and I roll my eyes as follows me to the living room. I sit down on the couch and he joins me.

"Sounds to me like you're just around too fucking often," I grunt.

"And hold up, I can't believe you've been having sex with Bree and you didn't tell me!" he says. "For that matter, I can't believe I couldn't sense it. If you've been having sex, why have you been so frustrated these last few days? Was it not good?"

"Not that it's any of your goddamn business, but it was good. Very good. Maybe too good."

That's one hell of an understatement. It's been fucking earth-shattering.

"Ohhh yeah, I've been there. Good sex can really scratch the itch, but great sex... well great sex just makes the itch worse."

"Tell me something I don't know," I groan.

"Huh," he chuckles. "I guess our girl Bree is a sex bomb wrapped in innocent packaging."

"Our girl?"

"Oh my mistake, your girl, of course. God forbid you go all caveman on me." He raises his hands in surrender. "I'm just saying she's clearly left a lasting impression."

He has no idea. I'm completely wrecked—hanging on by the fucking thinnest thread.

"You're just trying to distract me from kicking your ass for your little surprise appearance earlier," I say. "I should take back my key now. I swear to God, Eli, you pull that shit again and I'm changing the fucking locks."

He raises his hands in the air, palms toward me in surrender.

"I will absolutely admit that was my bad."

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