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A couple of months have passed by since you've taken in the smiling critters. Throughout those months, you've learned a lot about them. The positive and the negatives. Even though they all had good intentions, they weren't perfect. You've learned that DogDay could be very jealous whenever you pay too much attention to another critter, or Kicken could be very bratty. Either way, you've managed them.

   One critter in particular has caused you the most trouble. CatNap. Oh, how much of a pain he can become. He knows what ticks you off and how to get under your skin. He would also purposefully get his siblings upset with his behavior. CatNap is like the mastermind in your apartment. He controls everything. That is something you have been working with him ever since he's been showing his true colors.

   You've actually yelled at CatNap before for causing Crafty to cry, but he didn't care. Making Crafty wasn't something new for CatNap to do. He's always made her cry by freaking her out with little things. You've never really got him in trouble for that because Crafty was a crybaby. Still, you always scold him afterwards.

   You weren't really a fan of putting children in the time out corner. You thought that if a child needed to learn a lesson, then you wouldn't be afraid to strike one. You figured because that was how you were raised. But when it actually came to it, you could never raise your hand at them. In the end, you would put them in the time out corner. CatNap was a regular there. He'd at least go in the time out corner 3 times a week. No matter how much you've sent him to the corner, he would never learn his lesson. What made it more annoying was that he would never put up a fight when going. It was like he knew what he'd done and was proud of it. Yes, you had a little devil in under your roof, but you still loved him.

   One particular afternoon, you were resting on the couch while Bubba watched his educational tv. Bobby was laying on your lap along with DogDay, chatting. Kicken and Hoppy were playing with each other while Crafty was drawing and playing music from the record player in the background. Picky was eating some fruit, watching whatever Hoppy and Kicken were playing, and CatNap was napping like usual on the dinner table. He knew how much you didn't like when he slept on the table.

   You were barely awake. Your eyes were fighting to stay open. It wasn't like you didn't trust yourself with the critters alone, but you didn't want to seem like an over worked parent to them always sleeping after work. You wanted to be able to spend time with them and have a nice evening together. It wasn't going to be possible if you slept all day. Even though the other critters didn't seem to mind, you still felt responsible. They knew you worked hard, and in return they'd let you rest.

   As you were about to succumb to pure bliss, a loud shatter came from the kitchen. You shot open your eyes, jolting up from your resting position on the couch. This caused DogDag and Bobby to almost fall off your lap. It even made Kicken and Hoppy to stop whatever they were doing.

   You look over at the dinner table to see Picky and CatNap. One out of the both would be guilty for breaking your glass bowl of fruits. You march over there, looking confused and tired.

"What—what happened?"

   You asked them, looking to see the damage they caused. Glass was shattered everywhere while the fruits were now tainted with your dirty floor. You look over at both of them, waiting for a response. Picky looked nervous while CatNap continued grinning.

"It wasn't my fault—!"

Picky began, but you had to get them away from the glass. You picked them up one by one, placing them where the other critters gathered around.

"Don't come near here—it's dangerous."

You called out to them, walking over to grab your broom. As you carefully swept up the broken glass on the floor, Picky began to explain herself.

Smiling Critters x Mother Figure ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now