Hate you too!

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Well, the day was so exhausting, we have been attending back to back meetings. I didn't find Ryan after that (must be sleeping with his whores), but why do I care?

It's his life, after all!

And I went back to our apartment, he was nowhere to be seen
(Lizz...stop this!)

Okay fine!

I ended up having a shower and changed into a loose t-shirt with a shorts covered by it. I let my hairs dried up, tied it into a messy bun and headed to have some coffee.

I felt some footsteps, I knew who it was.... So, I chose to ignore and continued with my stuffs.

But my eyes were only on that. I saw him taking out some coke from the fridge.

Ohh shit! Is he coming towards me?

I instantly turned back switching on the TV and started changing channels.
I felt him sitting beside me. What does he want now?

Let's ignore!

I could feel his gaze on me. He suddenly took the remote with my hand and changed into a sports channel. I snatched the remote and turned it back to my channel.

Well, this ended up with me dropping the remote and getting back into my room. That means he is trying to irritate me, no ways!

Lizz..... You are not loosing this!

I felt him coming inside the room.... What should I do now? And an idea popped up in my head!

"You will sleep on this couch and I will sleep on my bed", and I felt his voice coming from behind. "No ways! You will sleep there", I respond back angrily.

"This is my room, not yours. If you have so much problem then you are free to leave my room and my life too."

I felt bad, I was hurt....

I know this marriage doesn't mean anything to both of us, still losing my best friend and passing constant cold daggers to each other is testing my whole patience.

I don't know why but his words made my heart aching and I didn't respond to him and silently slept on the couch.

I won't allow him to rule my life! I don't want this relationship either but if I'm committed to someone no matter what I'm not losing it. And especially, in case of Ryan there is no chance of me getting back.

And I can't disappoint my parents, I can't ruin their hard work.... I just can't!!!!!
They have done a lot for me now it's my turn.

Sometimes the boundations let you survive the hardest battles of your life! You may curse it right now but definitely it's the new way of bringing hope to our lives!

So, never stop surviving and fighting battles because the best players are opted for this.

We all are having issues, pain and struggle and that's definitely fine, just learn to learn and accept every bit of it. Much more is awaiting for you in your ways.

Let's see mine!



I saw her face dropped in disappointment when I asked her to sleep on the couch in such a rude tone but I can't afford to be with her. Lizz is an emotional, kind, sorted as well as a pure woman. I can't drag her into my messed up life. She deserves better which I can't give her.

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