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Beck was pretending to get beaten up by Russ, a stuntman, who taught a class last summer about stunt work when suddenly Tori ran in and jumped on Russ's back

"Who is this chick?" Russ questioned as Tori continued to try and wrestle him

Beck and André had to get Tori off of Russ as everyone else walked into the class.

The teacher asked Tori, "What are you doing?"

Tori exclaimed, "That guy beating up Beck!" her words causing Sebastian and Cat to stifle their laughter as they shared a glance

"Oh, you poor thing," Jade mocked, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms

“Jade, be nice. She’s new,” Sebastian told their sister softly, they often had to remind her that Tori was an art kid like the rest of them

“I just want to know why she cares so much,” Jade shrugged, narrowing her eyes at the girl

“Because I thought he was being beat up!” Tori exclaimed in frustration,”Plus, I’m sure he goes through enough already by being friends with you,” she commented, causing Jade to glare at her

“Okay,” Sebastian stepped in, separating the two girls and nodding to Andre to tell him to deal with Tori

"We were just practicing," Beck told Tori and walked over to his partner and best friend

"This is Russ, '' the teacher introduced the class

"I'm Russ !" Russ yelled, clearly annoyed by what happened

"He's a professional stuntman. I Invited him here to teach the class about stage fighting, " the teacher explained

Jade then tilted her head,"And this is the part where Tori asks what's stage fighting'?" She used a dopey voice, mocking the other brunette

"I wasn't gonna say that, Tori defended herself, then turned to Andre,”What’s stage fighting?” she whispered, the boy sighing before he explained

After everyone took a seat, Russ explained some basics and used Cat as a demonstration.

"Now, if I throw a punch at Cat like this," Russ demonstrated by punching the air an inch from Cat's face making her gasp loudly,"It's easy to see that my fist didn't connect with her face."

"Thank you," Cat told him, a smile on her face

Russ looked at her weirdly, not used to Cat being Cat and then went back to explaining, "But if we stage it from a different angle," Russ moved Cat to a new spot on the ground. He spoke to her quietly and Cat nodded."Sound effect ready?" he asked the teacher

"Ali set," he replied

"To the audience or camera, it’ll look like this," Russ finished. He then pretended to punch Cat in the face and she pretended to act like she got hit.

There was a start of applause, but Cat stepped to the side and said,"I'm okay everybody."

"All right, I'm gonna pair you guys up and each team will work with Russ this weekend to prepare a fight scene," the teacher instructed

"I thought his name was Steve," Andre said, confused and looked at Sebastian who nodded in agreement

"He does look like a Steve," Sebastian chimed, this then spurred up the class who all made sounds of agreement frustrating the man

"My name is Russ," yelled Russ, sounding a little upset.

"Okay, Steve," Andre stated without thinking, causing Sebastian to giggle which made Beck and Andre smile at the sound

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