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The mornings had been silent, the air strange in the  cabin. Her sense of time had seemed to evade her, days bleeding into nights while she tried to have some sense of routine. She had watched him enter the four coded alarm each morning, glancing over his shoulder while he pretended to not see her. She had ate breakfast, attempting to open the door to his bedroom on her way to the shower. Each morning it had been locked.

But this morning, he had forgotten it.

The sound of the door opening almost scared her, the chock quick to pass when she realized the opportunity before her.

The room was a little bit bigger than hers, two windows and a dressed along with a large bed. The bed had dark blue sheets and beside it was a dog bed, which looked like it hadn't been used in a long time. A door lead to a bigger closet, the other to a bathroom.

She noticed the small picture on the dresser, it was Graham with a large shepherd dog in a police vest. He was smiling, the dog drooling as it's wide stare was on everything but the camera.

He had a dog.

Or, he used to have a dog.

Her eyes glanced around the room and she instantly began looking trough the drawers to find her phone. He was strangely neat, everything folded and placed in order. She searched the closet, scrunching her nose at how much everything smelled like him. Besides socks and another weapon cabinet, she didn't find anything. She looked under the bed, finding a box hiding. The hope of her phone being in there filled her, her hands moving quickly as she slumped down on the carpet and ripped of the lid.

The boxed contained photos, an dog collar and things that seemed to hold meaning to him.

Some pictures were of her, others of people that looked similar to him, a tall woman and an even taller man with dark hair holding a young child. The man's face was scratched out. Hello daddy issues. Some pictures were of the dog, most were of the dog.
It made her miss her cat, it made her miss him a lot. She wondered if he was being taken care of and she wondered if the small town had found her dead friends and realized that she was missing.

Eva had to know she was missing, she hoped that she would look for her but she feared that if the woman was too persistent, Graham would end her.
It felt like her skin was crawling, being locked inside and stuck with her own mind wasn't fun. She thought of everything a hundred times over. She thought of the kiss and she thought of the night he had chased her trough the forest.

She sighed at the fact that her phone wasn't there. Nothing that could help her was there. She glanced at the clock, he had left an hour ago.

With hesitation, she decided to read the notebook again. It seemed like the more she learned, the more she felt sick. It felt like Russian roulette. Some pages were blank while one would suddenly strike her hard.

It became addicting, she knew she should stop to protect herself but she couldn't. The fear of being caught was still there but it didn't stop her from opening the notebook once again.

She doesn't realize they're not her friends.

That disgusting girl doesn't even like her. Eva forced her to become her friend as a favor to her. She had watched my sweet girl deteriorate after her mother's death and done what she needed to give her a friend.

It's sad she didn't pick someone better.

The girl is an insecure, selfish person.

She doesn't deserve my Esther.

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