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Clara reached over to her nightstand and smashed her alarm clock to pieces with her magic.

there goes another alarm clock.

After quickly eating the jambalaya Alastor made, she said goodbye and drove back to her house,not before packing some for lunch for today.

Clara lazily rolled out of bed, her fuzzy slippers keeping her toes warm as she made her way down stairs. Her hot pink pajama set had risen up her chest and thighs so she fixed them.

She headed straight to the kitchen, putting on the kettle for a nice cup of tea. While waiting for it to boil, she fixed her favorite mug, the one with cute little cats all over it.

If she could have a cat in hell she would jump at the chance, but the closest thing to a cat was a skinless pile of bones that could walk.

As the water heated up, Clara hummed along to her favorite Britney Spears tune. her sister of course had showed her the artist , Charlie was fascinated with the human world, just like she was with heaven.

Once the kettle clicked off, she poured the hot water into her mug, adding a tea bag and a splash of milk. The aroma of the tea filled the room, creating a cozy atmosphere. She loved the way the steam curled up from the mug, like a mini morning cloud.

she didn't like coffee, it tasted weird and made her stomach hurt.

so she opted for tea instead.

After stirring the liquid with a spoon,She put the milk back in the fridge and her dirty spoon in the sink.

With her tea in hand, Clara made her way to the living room, where her baby pink couch awaited. She plopped down on it, sinking into the plush cushions as she turned on the TV to catch up on the latest news. The soft glow of the screen mixed with the warm morning light, creating a serene ambiance.

Katie killjoy was still talking about last night, her sister's bright idea of a hotel for sinners.

After a few sips of her tea, Clara decided it was time for breakfast. she pressed the power button for the tv, it turned off and she got up to make her food, her tea sat unfinished on her table. She opted for a simple yet satisfying meal of toast and rice balls. it was a unusual breakfast but she made it work.

Gulping it down rather quickly, she looked at the clock on her oven stove and Clara realized it was 9:30 AM , 45 minutes until she had to start work.  Usually, she'd walk, but today she was feeling a bit tired, so she decided to drive.

She changed into a comfy black shirt and loose jeans, brushed her hair, and put it up in a half-up, half-down style. She put on some gold earrings and a gold Pendant necklace.


Just like his tooth

She shook her thoughts out of her head and realized she still had 35 minutes until work so she washed her dishes and threw a load of laundry on, leaving handmade pieces out.

Sighing, she tied her shoes laces together, choosing to wear her black boots, her mind once again going back to her thoughts.

He seemed so nice

Then he called angel a bitch

Was he someone that hid that side of him when he was around other people?

I hate those people.

Clara had a best friend in highschool whom she met in grade 9, the girl was friends with Clara even before she had found out she was Clara Morningstar.

Her name was opal.

Clara felt a connection with the girl, instantly bonding with her and doing everything with her, even going so far as to introduce her to her parents.

It was in grade 11 that Clara found out opal was stealing from her and making rumours about her, saying she was a spoiled brat and had everything handed to her.

Clara asked her why she said what she said  and stole from her.

She said she was jealous.

Clara ran home after school and straight into her mom's arms, telling her everything.

The next day she showed up to her private school and opal was nowhere to be seen, she asked around and everyone said the girl moved.

In the end she never knew her mother had made opal's parents get fired from their job or their house go up in flames, including the things opal stole from the morningstars.

In the end she never knew the real reason why opal said and did those

So she forgot about it, only occasionally being brought up in dreams.

Shoot look at the time.

She shook out of her daze and grabbed her car keys from the kitchen counter and stepped out the front door,locking it.

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