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(P.S. - Ignore the minor grammatical mistakes and don't write negative comments)

As me and Shubhi were going to exit from the university exit a message pinged on my phone, message was delivered from Ritik. For once I thought of ignoring the message but after some seconds another message was delivered. Finally I opened and saw those messages.

Hey! Will you both wait for us at the exit? We will all leave together for the dormitory.

4 mintues later

Please answer me Kriti are you both waiting for us🥺

Ok, fine we are waiting
just make it quick both of you !!

Okay, just 10 minutes👀


Kriti came running towards me and asked me to wait for 10 minutes and I asked 'Why?' then she told me that Ritik wants all four of us to leave fro the dormitory together.
I quietly nodded and waited for Shourya and Ritik with her, while waiting for them we discussed about our first day and how did we make it through end of the day..
And as it was the first day of university survival we decided to treat ourselves with Desi food , which of course we will prepare.
And grocery shopping was all we
needed to make it, we decided what we will make for the feast on occasion of surviving 😁
After 10 minutes Shourya and Ritik also came and joined us to leave for dormitory.

As we were leaving Shourya circled his hand casually on my shoulder but this was not at all normal for me. I felt something tingly in my heart not able to understand this feeling I held his hand and rather then leaving it I held it , interwined with mine.


As I saw the scene going on beside me I was getting all happy and was all dancing because my one and only soulmate is walking on the path of getting the love of her life .

I cleared my throat and grabbing everyone's attention I said, " As we all have survived the first day of University well and wish that whole year will go like this, we are planning to make a desi feast . So is anyone from you two available for some grocery shopping??"

"If not available, it's fine in that way too me and Shubhi can also go ,right Shubhi?"

But to my surprise none of them rejected the trip to grocery store.
So we all are going to grocery market .

Reaching there I was shocked seeing the prices of organically grown veggies.
Like literally too expensive but what's the meaning of Indian food if not sufficient veggies?
So I and Shubhi grabbed the ingredients needed and got our stuff to be priced and payed at the cash counter and got to know that it's all 30% discount, now that was the second thing of today to do happy dance for !!

As I was about to give my credit card for paying Ritik stopped me by holding my hand and said, "Let me and Shourya pay for this stuff ,we won't let you both to pay when we are present right here."

And Shourya nodded agreeing to him.
I said "Okay, but don't  be broke on your bank balance after this🙄".
He looked at me raising his eyebrows saying ,"Do you know which family I belong too??" I said "No,and I don't wanna know so keep it to yourself and make it quick; we are getting late."

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