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Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypse Pearl no milk tea Bookmark Error report

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After driving into the west part of the city, you can clearly feel that the buildings here have a unique sense of vicissitudes of time.

When Jing Yao was still some distance away from the community, she saw a man standing in the shade not far away, looking in the direction of the road from time to time.

Jing Yao parked the car firmly in front of the man and rolled down the window. The cool air in the car blew through the window and onto the man's face.

Li Shen felt the cool air and felt comfortable.

Since the electricity bill has increased, I only turn on the air conditioner for two hours a day. The rest of the time I use a fan, which blows out hot air.

"Cousin Li?"

Li Shen looked at the girl in the car and then at the car she was driving with unspeakable jealousy in his heart.

"Are you Jingyao? Have you grown so big?"

Jing Yao nodded and said coldly: "Where are the things my aunt left for my grandfather?"

At this time, grandpa was sitting behind silently. If Jingyao could get it, he would not come forward.

"Uncle isn't here? I have to give that thing to uncle in person."

Jing Yao stared straight at Li Shen.

"Xiao Li."

Grandpa lowered the back seat window.

"Uncle, you are here."

Grandpa nodded and stretched out his hand to Li Shen.

"Give me my sister's things."

Looking at Grandpa Jing's outstretched hand, Li Shen looked embarrassed.

"The things are at home. Please ask my uncle and niece to come up and get them with me."

Jing Yao stared at Li Shen's face again, and then said, "Okay."

After Jing Yao clearly felt that she agreed, Li Shen seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

After finding a shady place to park the car, Jingyao took out the golf club bag containing the long knife from the trunk.

"Niece, what are you doing?"

Jing Yao glanced at him without saying anything, then stepped forward to support her grandfather.

"Cousin Li, please lead the way."

Li Shen saw Jing Yao's obvious reluctance to say anything more and glanced at the bag in her hand before leading her grandfather and grandson into the community.

Grandpa Jing looked at the living environment of this community and sighed in his heart.

The Jing family is a wealthy family, and when my sister got married, she was a well-matched family.

It's just that her husband, who would have thought that he would become a different person after marriage.

At that time, my sister would come to our door every once in a while to complain to her parents, and everyone in the family was venting their anger on her.

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