Feel Alive [babexcharlie] Part 2

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Warning: This content may be triggering to individuals who have experienced childhood trauma or have associations with it. Please proceed with caution and prioritize your mental well-being. If you are sensitive to topics related to neglect, emotional distress, or family dynamics, consider refraining from reading further. Your mental health is important, and it's okay to prioritize your safety and well-being.

As Charlie woke up, he felt the familiar wave of nausea and exhaustion wash over him. It was nothing new – just another day in his routine. He dragged himself out of bed and went through his usual morning rituals, brushing his teeth, taking a quick shower, and feeding his beloved pet cat named Sweetie.

Despite his fatigue, Charlie managed to muster up enough energy to make himself a cup of coffee before heading out the door for work. The caffeine provided a much-needed boost, but he couldn't shake the feeling of weariness that clung to him like a heavy blanket.

As he made his way to work, Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of monotony settling over him. The same streets, the same faces, the same routine day in and day out. 

Charlie glanced around at the bustling streets, filled with people going about their lives, each lost in their little bubble of existence. "How can they all be so content? Don't they see how meaningless it all is?"

As Charlie arrived at work, he headed straight to his desk and sank into his chair, his mind consumed by the task at hand. Without a word to his coworkers, he delved into his work, immersing himself in the familiar rhythm of editing. Hours passed in a blur as Charlie poured himself into his editing, his only companions the soft hum of the office and the gentle glow of his computer screen. 

"Hey, Charlie! I was thinking, do you want to grab a coffee together?" Aniya's voice was bright and cheerful.

charlie: Yeah, sure. 

As Charlie and Aniya sat quietly sipping their coffee, Aniya could sense that Charlie seemed lost in his own thoughts. She wanted to speak up, to break the silence and offer a listening ear, but something held her back. Instead, she decided to respect Charlie's space and remained silent, allowing him the time he needed to gather his thoughts.

Just then, Babe entered the kitchen area, his presence disrupting the quiet ambiance. Aniya offered to make him a cup of coffee, but Babe declined with a polite smile.

"No, thanks, Aniya. I prefer to make my coffee myself," Babe said,

As Charlie made a move to leave, Babe intercepted him, blocking his path with a friendly smile. "Hey, Charlie, where are you off to? You haven't finished your coffee yet," he remarked, gesturing to the half-empty cup in Charlie's hand.

Charlie paused, caught off guard by Babe's sudden intervention. He hadn't expected anyone to notice his intention to leave so quickly. "Oh, uh, I was just... heading back to work," Charlie replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Babe arched an eyebrow

With a gentle smile, Aniya chimed in, "Boss is right, Charlie. Finish your coffee and then go back to work. Work won't run away, right?"

Charlie: no thankyou I leave you two thanks 

as he went away 

Anita: I am sorry Boss he is just like this don't mind him 

babe: no that's ok I am fine [he smiled at Charlie's soft but rigid personality at the same time ]

Babe turned to Aniya with a playful grin. "Hey, Aniya, how about I give you all a treat as my welcome party? You'd like that, right?"

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