XVII. The Late Night Instagram Show with Trinity and Bianca

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Chapter Seventeen
The Late Night Instagram Show
with Trinity and Bianca

Sunday, February 25, 2024

"Is it really ten point six million people watching us right now?" Mia'mor asked after Joshua pointed out that someone had commented that they had broken the Instagram live record again.

Mia'mor walked back into the screen and leaned into the phone to see the views.

"Oh, wow," Mia'mor said.

Joshua was on his phone searching who held the record for the most-viewed Instagram Live.

"Google says we broke it," Joshua told Mia'mor.

"Damn, okay, thank you, everyone," Mia'mor said.

Joshua came back in the screen and pulled Mia'mor onto his lap. Mia'mor smiled, and her phone lit up, and it was Trinity requesting to FaceTime her.

"My sister-in-law wants to face time," Mia'mor said as she answered the call.

Trinity's face pops up on the screen.

"Hello, my darling," Mia'mor said.

"Hello, my goddess; Hi, Josh. Bianca is watching you guys on live and wants y'all to do a Q&A," Trinity said.

Joshua chuckled.

"Hello, Trin, and what do you want to interview us?" Joshua asked Trinity.

"Yeah, Bianca and I will do it," Trinity answered.

"Tell Bianca to request to join the live," Mia'mor said.

"Let's do it," Joshua said.

Mia'mor accepted Bianca's request to join the Instagram live; then, the screen split into two with Bianca and Trinity at the bottom of the screen while Mia'mor and Joshua are on the top.

Mia'mor ends the Facetime and waves.

"Oh, it's at ten point five million now," Joshua said.

"Okay," Mia'mor said as she laughed at Trinity, searching through the comments for questions.

"Welcome to The Late Night Instagram Show with Trinity and Bianca, where we interview our guests with questions asked by you, the viewers," Bianca said.

Trinity, Mia'mor, and Joshua laughed.

"Oh, she's lit tonight," Joshua said.

Bianca giggled.

"I'm giving the audience what they want," Bianca said.

"Okay, first question. What qualities do you like about Joshua?" Bianca asked.

"One of the main qualities that I love about Joshua is that he is just so sweet. Many guys are scared to show their sweet side, and he is not that. He's very romantic and protective, and he makes me feel really protected. I love spending time with him because he makes me feel really secure. He makes me very happy. He definitely takes care of me emotionally. He makes my brain feel good. He makes my heart feel good. One thing I know is he got my back, and I got him, and I love that," Mia'mor answered.

"And Joshua, what qualities do you like about Mia'mor?" Bianca asked.

"She challenges me to become the person I want to be; she doesn't hamper or belittle my progress. She shows her true self and speaks the truth sincerely even when it's easier to lie. She lives a life of truthfulness. Appreciating everything she has in life makes her remarkable. She's grateful for family, her partner, her friends, her career, and every people she meets along the way. She's thankful for all that she has learned and experienced throughout her journey. She never fails to express her thankfulness and appreciation to people who did something for her, whether the gesture is small or huge. That's a big thing for me, but she moves me, inspires me, and we feel like a team. She is my partner," Joshua answered.

Trinity reads the comments and finds the following question to ask them.

"Easy question, how did you two meet?" Trinity asked them.

"We met backstage where wrestlers were meeting their VIP fans," Mia'mor answered.

"What did you do on your first date?" Bianca asked.

Mia'mor laughed.

"Oh my God! He took me to the gym. It was cute because we were so competitive the whole time. It was a day type of date because after that we went out for lunch, watched a movie, and went to dinner," Mia'mor answered.

"Y'all are different," Bianca said.

"Thanks for making me look cheap," Joshua said as he read the comments calling him cheap and boring.

Mia'mor looked at her husband and kissed his cheek.

"Don't worry. I loved our first date, it was different and it made me very happy," Mia'mor said.

Joshua smiled at his wife.

Trinity picked the next question.

"How did you know things were getting serious?" Trinity asked them.

"His body language was changing. I was in tune with his movements. He was more touchy, and there were little hugs and touching my face. I took it as an indication that his feelings were becoming more romantic," Mia'mor answered.

"I'm always touching her, but for me, it was her texting habits with me. Her texting patterns changed. I started receiving more "Good morning!" texts even though we were in different time zones and more frequent messages simply checking in to see how I'm doing. And also, she was asking for my opinion," Joshua said.

"Awe," Trinity said.

Trinity picked another question.

"When did you know that you would end up getting married?" Trinity asked them.

"I knew quickly. She is hopeful and optimistic. It is refreshing to be with someone who believes in the possible, and encourages me to do the same. It was easy to be with her. Importantly, however she pushed me against taking the easy way out. She asked hard questions, which has made me smarter, tougher, and more forgiving. I like who I am with her, and it was the best decision I ever made," Joshua answered.

"When he showed up to help me with a small injury I had while I was on tour, that's when I knew. He had a busy schedule but the fact he showed up without me asking and helped me through it all; I was like, that's my husband for sure," Mia'mor said.

Bianca picked another question. "How did you get Joshua in the studio?" Bianca asked with a chuckle.

Mia'mor giggled. "Easy. I took him there and told him to get in the booth," Mia'mor answered.

Trinity and Bianca laughed as Joshua kissed his teeth. "She tricked me! Man, y'all just don't know how easily she gets her way," Joshua said.

"You let her have her way with you," Bianca said.

Mia'mor smirked. "He didn't even put up a fight, he started growling into the mic and next thing you know we have like a bunch of songs recorded," Mia'mor said, smiling.

Trinity laughed.

"I don't know why you're laughing, Trinity, because you getting in the booth next," Joshua said.

Trinity stopped laughing. Bianca laughed as Trinity rapidly blinked at Joshua. "You're lying," Trinity said.

"The family album about to be lit! Yeet!" Joshua joked as he did his little dance.

"Yeet!" Mia'mor cheered as she encouraged her husband's antics.

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