Chapter 2

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(Eliana's POV) 

I got dressed, changed and left the apartment before calling a cab. After waiting outside my building for at least five minutes, a cab arrived in front of me.  After settling down, I began my trip toward a hectic day. In order to decompress, I put on headphones, listened to music and observed the people outside. 

There are moments when you feel as though everyone around you is moving yet you remain in one spot. I am broken on the inside and only exist for my children because of that person. I'm not sure why, but that night has always been a part of my life, and no matter what I do, I can't get the memories out of my head and it persists in appearing as nightmares.

“Ma’am your destination” As I was engrossed in my own misery, the taxi driver muttered, glancing at me in the rearview mirror. Following a ‘thank you’, 'Justice Shields' was emblazoned in large letters on a massive building that I approached after leaving and entering the building. 

While smiling and saying hello to my coworkers as I made my way to the lift and punched the button for my floor. After five minutes, the lift opened, and when I came outside, Daisy was racing around and chaos was created.

“Oh thank god, you are here. Pls come fast and help me with this Eliana or otherwise I’ll be in big trouble. Mr. Richardson would come any moment, he would kill me if he didn’t see that document on his table” As soon as she saw me, she hurried towards me and began speaking in a panicked manner without pausing. Her hands were flying around in a hyperactive manner, and her breathing was rapid.

“Daisy! Daisy! Breathe, in- out, in-out… Now relax and explain the matter, so that I know what to do atleast” I yelled at her to pay attention, made her take a few deep breaths, got us seated on the couch, and then inquired about the circumstances.

“Ok, so Mr. Richardson asked me to get some details about our new case from the client and to make a gist of it. I had to present it in front of him today but because of some personal issues I wasn’t able to do it and now I am fucking screwed” She spoke tensely and eventually gripped her hair hard in frustration as a groan came out of her mouth.

“Listen to me, let’s do one thing. There is still some time left till Mr. Richardson comes. So, you quickly go and get me the points that we have to ask and I’ll try to contact the client. If he picks up I’ll ask everything on the phone only and then you make a gist of it” I murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

She entered her office right away while I walked over to mine and tried to talk to the client. He picked up after at least three rings. Daisy returned at the same moment that I introduced myself, told him why I was calling, and he granted me five minutes to ask whatever questions I had. In the end, I handed the sheet back to her to get the gist after asking him about the case details without wasting any more time. As soon as she completed the last letter, Mr. Richardson opened my office door and took a quick look.

“Good morning ladies, how are you both today?” He was wearing a sharp three-piece suit and stood at the entrance, smiling and asking us politely while keeping his hands in his pockets.

“We are fine Mr. Richardson and I hope you are also happy and cheerful like always…Today is a great day for the weather, so hopefully the atmosphere inside our office stays as wonderful as it is outside” I fully rotated my seat and questioned him in a humorous manner, eliciting a small giggle from Daisy.

“Yes dear, like always” He responded in a caustic manner, then just left to go to his office after requesting Daisy to bring the work he had given her.

“You always tease him. Let the poor man live for a second, Eliana” She shook her head a little, murmured, and got up to wind up her job.

“He is like an elder brother to me…and all this is just fun, even though he knows it. That’s why I am still here even after annoying him so much” I repositioned my seat so that it faced my laptop and began working on other cases. Daisy merely smiled and walked away after hearing my reply.

Daisy happily came in to say thank you for helping her and to let us know that Mr. Richardson had called us in his office after three hours. I stood up, taking her with me as we went. We knocked and were let inside, where we stood in front of his big table. He finished working on something on his laptop and turned to face us.

“There are some legal issues that I have to look into for someone I know. And for that, I have to travel to New York in four days. So, as my personal assistant it is Daisy’s duty to go but… she is not able to travel right now” He said, laying his back on the chair and crossing one leg over the other. Eventually, he lifted an eyebrow and gave me a curious look.

“Uh, why can’t you go?” I gave Daisy a puzzled look as I twisted my face to the side.

“The doctor suggested to her mom to have surgery, so she has to stay. That’s why I am asking my former assistant to come with me” instead of her, he answered.

“But I can't, what about my kids? Where will I leave them?” After hearing what he stated, I became anxious and began to worry for my children. I can't leave them alone with anyone now, since I left that position specifically for them. 

“I know, that’s why I am asking you to take them along and it’s just a two day trip. I want you with me only when we discuss the issue with the client. After that you can be with them the whole time” I begged for some time to ponder, and he obliged, telling me with hopeful eyes to make sure I don't refuse.

When I was done with my work, I had to pick up the kids from creche and I said goodbye to Daisy and Mr. Richardson at four, leaving the building with a decision of going to New York, not knowing that place was going to change my children and my life.

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