Chapter 40

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"I need sleep," I yawned once I sat in Izan's fancy jet. I couldn't get used to his wealth and probably never will.

His brothers slash best friends were coming to Italy with us, so they settled in their seats, already bickering with each other. His mafia men were in a different jet since this one wouldn't fit all of them. Marco, Vivian, Camila, Henry, and Alvaro stayed in Boston to look over the businesses they owned. Someone had to supervise everything from home.

Izan sat to my left, held my head, and pushed it onto his shoulder. "Sleep." His demand was so firm, yet his intentions were so gentle. He was more open than before, but his grumpiness never left. It was a constant resident in our relationship and his life. I had grown to love it.

I loved every part of him.

I glanced at the clock with tired eyes since we had spent three hours making out and groping each other back home. It was very smexy. It was two in the morning, and the flight would take about twelve hours, if not more. So, I decided to take advantage of the time and sleep.

I tried to close my eyes and rest, but I flinched each time there was air turbulence and tightened my grip on Izan's hand. "Can't we teleport? Why is magic not real?" I questioned, half asleep. I was getting cranky, and I didn't want the boys to see this side of me. I was not fun to be around that way.

"If magic were real, I would want to read minds," Jose commented from across the jet, and I thought about his desire for a moment. It appealed to me briefly, but then all the negative and evil humans crossed my mind.

"That's terrifying! Imagine if we could've read Hitler's thoughts or... Ted Bundy?" I mentioned, and all of us shivered. I didn't want to know what cold-blooded murderers thought before their actions. "No thanks, I prefer flying!"

"Flying is epic, but I want speed. I watched The Flash, and the thought of being able to cross dimensions and possibly go back in time without errors, may I add, is one of my biggest dreams. I would change many things in my life," Juan remarked as he made a daydreaming expression.

Who knew the oldest one in the circle had the wildest dreams?

"What about you, Izan?" I asked and nudged his shoulder, making him drop his phone. "Oops." I didn't regret it, and he knew it.


Typical answer.

"Zulimar?" Juan patted his shoulder since he was sitting next to him. He shrugged, and Juan rolled his eyes. "Come on, don't tell me you've never thought about it!"

Zulimar sighed as he looked at us. "Shadow wielder," he whispered, shocking us. We expected him to ignore this whole conversation. He was never the one for small talk, even though he talked to me more than the guys.

"That's cool," Jose said with a smile. He probably imagined himself combining all these powers and showing it off to every woman he met.

I looked at Carlos and saw him staring out the window. He looked bothered by something, so I let go of Izan's hand, much to his demise, and sat beside the mood swinger.

He's an angry grump one moment, and the next, he's a carefree spirit.

Everyone else did their own thing, ignoring us, so I patted his shoulder. He looked at me with an unreadable expression. My stomach twisted, feeling weird. "What's wrong, Carlos?"

I never thought this question would make a man lose it, but all I saw was his tears pouring down his cheeks without warning. He choked on his words, and I was startled for a second.

I recovered quickly and hugged him gently. His breakdown reminded me of myself when I broke down between Izan's arms not long ago.

Sometimes, crying is the answer.

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