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Chapter 23

"So, are you not going to talk about it?" We were driving home, and I felt the need to address what happened earlier with Richard.

"About what?" His tone was casual, but I sensed a hint of defensiveness.

"I didn't know you had a fear of heights."

"I don't." he replied tersely.

"Then what happened back there?"

"I don't know. Could we not talk about it, please." he sounded so upset, prompting me to drop the subject.

As we continued our journey, the night grew colder, and a thick fog enveloped the road. In the eerie ambiance, an idea struck me.

"That's it! I've got a name for my cat." I exclaimed excitedly. Richard glances at me, curious about my sudden outburst. "Misty! I'm going to call her misty."


"And what do you think is a good name for a cat?"  I challenged.


"Never mind. I asked the wrong person." I cut him off before he can offer a list of horrible names again.

We reached the manor in no time and my cat welcomed me the moment I stepped inside the house. After some pleading, I managed to convince Richard to let her explore the house on her own.

"You are so cute!" I exclaimed and hugged my cat tightly for being her adorable self. "From now on, we're gonna call you Misty."

She meowed in response as a sign of approval.

"I knew you would like it. Say hi to Richard. He had a bit of a scare today." I said, extending Misty towards him. However, he just groaned, despite Misty's adorable meowing. Realizing he has no intention of holding her, I set Misty down and attended to her food bowl.

"Last chance before we call it a night. Are you sure you're feeling fine?" I asked.

"Actually no. I might need to sleep with you on your bed tonight." he replied, half-jokingly.

"Got it. You are well and healthy. Good night Mr. Preston."

"Mr. Preston? They call my dad Mr. Preston." Richard started yapping but I just smiled mischievously retreated to my room with Misty.


As expected, the venue is glamorously decorated and exudes a feeling of lavish wealth and power which is ironic because we are currently here  for a silent auction and dinner gala for the underprivileged children's education. Tonight's theme is masquerade party. How original. 

Sitting alone at a table, I couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place amidst the affluent crowd. Meanwhile, Richard is busy rubbing shoulders with his business partners. I'm baffled as to how Richard secured an invitation for me to an event typically attended by the nation's most powerful and influential figures.  I should be at home on my bed, lost in a book, but instead I am here I am dying from boredom.

"Nice Mask." a voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned to see a man gesturing to my mask on the table as he pulled up a chair beside me.

"Thank you. Yours is quite impressive too." I returned the compliment back to him. 

He removed his mask and if my memory serves me right, according to the seating arrangement, he is Mr. Alexander Young,  CEO of the Skylark Airlines and some luxury brands. How did I end up being seated at the table of some of the wealthiest people in the world? My personal asset literally consists of a collection of books, some work clothes and a cat.

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