'15' interaction

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Y/n pov

"What are you doing here?" I repeated as it seemed Nat didn't hear me the first time.

"I'm worried about you" she explained. I scoffed.

"Why? I'm fine" I crossed my arms and glared at the redhead.

"Kid I'm seriously just concerned for you"

"Again. Why? It's not your fault I got kicked out" I sighed.

"Tony was just looking out for you and he didn't kick you out-"

"Right he just told me to go home, as if that's not kicking me out"

"He didn't mean it like that, you could've stayed"

"But I knew I wouldn't be wanted there" I retorted

"Yes you would. Even if you weren't working in the lab you could've observed or just hung out with us" I'm guessing when she said 'us' she meant her and her avenger friends.

"Yeah ok" I rolled my eyes, not having enough energy to clap back.

"Why are you here?" I asked

"I wanted to see how you were doing" she said but what she really meant to say was 'there's something you're hiding and I'm gonna find out what it is'

"Well I'm doing just fine"

"Where's your sling?"

Damn it.

"I got sick of it" I replied

"It doesn't matter whether you like it or not what matters is how fast it helps you heal"

"Whatever" The wind blew open the door just slightly and Nat managed to see some of the inside. Which would've been fine if I had a normal non abusive uncle but I didn't and the inside of my house was messy by a lot. There were beer bottles scattered all over the floor and burnt cigarettes everywhere.

"Can I come in?" She tried to peek through the door.

"I think it'd be best if you didn't"

"Are you home alone? Where's your uncle?" Her hand was against the door trying to push it open.

"Yeah I'm home alone right now my uncle went out for some...stuff"

"And he left you alone?"

I nodded. "I'm 14 it's not like I'm not capable of being home alone"

Nat hesitated. "Please just let any of us know if you're in trouble." She handed me a piece of paper, I opened it and her phone number was written on it.

"Yeah ok. Bye" I shut the door in her face.

I watched her walk away through the peephole and I collapsed on the floor in tears. Hard, ugly, sobs filled the house. I didn't know what happened but after my interaction with Nat, tears just seemed to flow heavier. I gasped trying to breathe but I was crying so hard I couldn't manage to get a breath. I heaved and I heaved until I fell asleep on the cold hard floor, wishing I wouldn't wake up.

This is a pretty short chapter cs I'm rushing this but anywaysssssssssss
How y'all doin honey bunchesss?????😛
Tell me I'll listen trust

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter dont forget to vote n comment don't b ghost readers you guys😪

I hope y'all have a good day and I'll see you in the next chapter honey bunches🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

527 words

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