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This morning I woke up and put another pair of amalias clothes because I need to go shopping

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This morning I woke up and put another pair of amalias clothes because I need to go shopping. My cars are getting shipped today so I can go on my own I also have to go to the doctors today to determine if I'm going to go into labour early, ontime or late.

I get into a pair of shorts and a baggy t shirt and head downstairs to eat breakfast.

I walk downstairs and see everyone there "morning guys, my cars are getting shipped today and I also have a doctors appointment

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I walk downstairs and see everyone there "morning guys, my cars are getting shipped today and I also have a doctors appointment."

"Ok sorella, what's the appointment for?" Cosimo says.

"It's to see if I'm going to be giving birth early, onetime or late, that reminds me amalia do you want to come with me" I reply.

"Of corse baby" She says smiling

"OH and old man can my lions stay here?" They all looked at me shocked

"YOU HAVE LIONS" they all exclaim.

I just stare at them and say "yes, can you all quieten down I'm not feeling that great today. Before I go for that appointment I need to go shopping"

Flavio then asks if he can have his friends over tonight

"Sure just don't let them bother your sister too much"

Just then I hear the gates open and I get up and speed walk to the door, every one follows me and see my cars and lions who's name ar uru and nala.

Just then I hear the gates open and I get up and speed walk to the door, every one follows me and see my cars and lions who's name ar uru and nala

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Everyone looks scared to go near them but my babies pay no attention to them and nala rubs her head on my stomach.

I lead them to the back garden and shut the door. "No one let them in until me and amalia are back we will be back around four, have fun at school guys"
With that me and amalia get I get into my car and we head to the mall.

time skip after the mall

We got clothes for me, a bunch over baby clothes and baby stuff, a cot and everything you can need for a baby.

We are now on our way to the doctors when my phone starts ringing and I see nath's name pop up.

"Hey old man whats up"

"Nothing I'm just letting you know the boys are back from school with their friends"

"Ok well tell them we will be home soon we are just pulling up to the doctors"

"Ok cya in a bit"

He then hangs up and we head inside.

When my name gets called we go inside the room, I lay down on the bed and she puts cold gell on my stomach and starts the ultra sound.

"So miss Rossi both baby's are head down and ready to come out soon I just need you to pop your legs up to see if we can see anything"

I put my legs up and she has a look to see if I'm ready yet.

"Well it seems that you are already 2 cm dilated, so you could be giving birth in the next 3-4 days"

"Ok thank you"

We go out and get into the car

I look at amalia and say "oh my gosh I'm already in labour, is it OK if I call my friends over so they can stay incase I give birth at home?"

"Of corse it is honey let's go pick them up shall we" amalia says.

"Ok let me ring them" I put the phone through the car.

Emily picks up and says "hello"

"Hey ems I'm on the way to pick you up don't question it I will tell you in the car, and pack your bags your coming to stay for a while"

"Oh okay see you in a bit" I then hang up  and drive to their house.

They both put their luggage in the back of the car and get in.

"Hey iz, who is this gorgeous woman?" Lottie asks.

"Guys this is my mum, I also have something to tell you"

I pause for a second and say " I've just been to the doctors to see when I'm giving birth, turns out I'm already in labour, I'm 2 cm dilated and could be giving birth in the next 3-4 days"

They look shocked before squealing.

We then head home.

My sons have just got home with their friends and izzy let me know she was heading to the doctors

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My sons have just got home with their friends and izzy let me know she was heading to the doctors.

"Hey boys" I say and all heads snap towards me "you sister just let me know she was on the way to the doctors and should be home in an hour"

Their friends look confused but the boys say Ok.

1 hour later

All the boys are in the kitchen eating when I hear the front door open and in walk my two beautiful girls with izzys friends.

"You 2 go put your stuff in my room I'll be up in a sec I need to tell old man what the doctors said" I hear izzy say and I hear the girls say Ok.

Just then izzy walks in and sits at the table carefully and starts to tell me what happened.

"So I'm going to tell you the same I told the girls I've just been to the doctors to see when I'm giving birth, turns out I'm already in labour, I'm 2 cm dilated and could be giving birth in the next 3-4 days so my friends are here to help me incase I have a home birth, is uh, is that ok"

The boys shout at the same time causing her to cover her ears.



"GUYS, what did I say about the loudness, anyway I'm going to let those two in" She says getting up while showing her bump to the boys friends.

She goes and opens the back door and whistles, then in come her lions and the boys scream except luckier who's watching in amusement.

She then proceeds to walk upstairs

And I hear one of the boys say "she's hot" all heads instantly snap to him.

They all then proceed to want upstairs

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