Chapter 26: Confessions

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Author's POV:

3 hrs later, Dhara's treatment just ended.
Dr.Chaddha comes out of the room and Rudraneel rushes to him.

"How is she?!" , he asks, his raspy voice, now sounds agitated and concerned.

On hearing Rudraneel's question, Dr.Chaddha heaves out a deep sigh with a disappointed face.. A frown appears on Rudraneel's face as he grips Dr.Chaddha's shoulders in a tight jerk,

"I will bring you any equipment you need.
Name it and it will be here in no time.
Just save her!", his voice comes out as if a command, a warning, a plead.

Dr.Chaddha speaks, "Calm down! She's stable, Rudraneel..atleast physically.

But for some reason, she seems to be rejecting to wake up.. it's like her body is in a comatose type situation-"

As soon as "comatose" word left Dr.Chaddha's mouth, Rudraneel's body stiffened, his expression which seemed to relax so subtly that it was unnoticeable to anyone, became serious again.

A fresh wave of fear surged within him ; he didn't want Dhara to go into coma! He has faced it himself and her going to into coma would be no-different from her being distant from him. He couldn't bear live a moment without her, let alone see her  in a comatose state.

"Do anything and everything you can! But don't let her go into coma!"

Dr.Chaddha spoke again , "It's comatose type situation , Rudraneel. Not coma.. She's stable but it's like she needs a support, a will, a reason to comeback to reality.."

Rudraneel's face turns serious, as he asks, "So how do we bring her back to consciousness now?"

"I suggest someone close, to stay by her side for now.
That's all I can say.." , Dr.Chaddha shakes his head in defeat.

That time, Badi ma who was standing there, concerned for her Shonamoni, spoke up, "Rudraneel will stay by her side."

Rudraneel's face was as stoic as ever, but his head turned to her in surprise. When Dr.Chaddha said, -someone close- , he thought Badi ma would be the one to come forward but her suggesting him to be with Dhara , so firmly, took Rudraneel by surprise.

Badi ma walked forward approaching Rudraneel, her eyes were were wet but she stated, "Beta, since her birth, my Shonamoni has suffered alot..but she never opened up anybody.

But when you came into her life.. it's as if, I saw a new her..she may look the same to all, but I sensed how much more hopeful she much more relaxed she seemed..
Please take good care of her!"

Saying this, badi ma teared up, patting Rudraneel's shoulder , she turned her face and walked away..

Rudraneel thanked badi ma in his mind and turned to Dr.Chaddha, who gave him a encouraging look and walked away.

He than made his way towards the room Dhara laid in, opening the door very slightly, he peeked to look at her.

The sight he saw, pained him..his wife, who always seemed so strong , has become his pillar, his laid unconscious , without the will to comeback to her senses, he wondered for a moment, what might have happened that has made her want to escape the reality, so badly? He squeezed his eyes shut, and closed the door again..

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