Chapter 2

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The red little booklet flashed before her eyes.

Ming Si snatched it away as if she had seen something unspeakable and stuffed it into her bag without even looking at it.

Liang Xian, on the other hand, was composed and leisurely, "Aren't you going to open it and take a look?"

"Look at what? Your face?" Ming Si lifted her arm slightly, "Forget it, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep if I see it."

"Do I look that handsome?" He leaned his elbow on the window edge, tilting his face.

Ming Si couldn't help but stomp her foot irritably, "Liang Xian! Don't you have any shame left?"

After not seeing each other for a few days, his thick-skinned nature seemed to have grown at least five feet!

Successful in annoying her, Liang Xian seemed in a good mood and smiled slightly. He raised an eyebrow, gesturing for her to get into the car, "Alright, stop arguing. Should I give you a ride?"

What tone was that? It was as if he couldn't be bothered to argue with her.

Ming Si was about to refuse when she suddenly remembered that this place was very remote, and the only option for transportation was private cars. She didn't know how long she would have to wait alone. After hesitating for a moment, she reluctantly convinced herself and got into the car.

The night scene outside rapidly receded, and the distant neon lights blurred into a mass.

As Ming Si looked outside, she suddenly remembered that someone in their group had once said that she and Liang Xian should never be left alone together. Within three minutes, they would definitely start arguing.

But this time, it seemed like more than three minutes had passed.

Not only did they not argue, but they also each turned their heads to look in different directions, giving off an air of not wanting to have anything to do with each other.

In fact, if she thought about it carefully, they didn't really have any life-or-death enmity.

It was just that their first impression of each other when they were young was a little off, and as time went on, Liang Xian became more and more carefree, turning into the embodiment of a playboy, which happened to be the type of man that she disliked the most.

Small annoyances accumulated slowly over time, creating this mismatch for over twenty years.

Breaking that pattern suddenly was actually quite difficult.

Fortunately, agreeing to get married was one thing, but getting along was another. They didn't need to pretend to be harmonious.

Besides, both families' elders were busy planning to expand their businesses after the marriage alliance, and there weren't many people concerned about whether they had a real husband-wife relationship or not. After Ming Si and Liang Xian got their marriage certificate a few days ago, they went their separate ways, and neither of them had set foot in their purported marital home.

As they were waiting for the traffic light, the driver said something to the person in the front passenger seat.

Ming Si snapped out of her thoughts and noticed that there was actually someone sitting in the front passenger seat, and he was quite big in stature.

Judging from the height of the person sitting, he should definitely be no shorter than 1.85 meters if he stood up. He was dressed in black formal wear; with his straight posture, the solid outline of his shoulders and arm muscles could be vaguely seen.

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