Part Eight: the Nadir

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*CW: bullying, harassment, self harm*

    The morning ride to school was loud as usual; the radio turned up and the girls chatting all at once. The end of the semester was just around the corner, I was looking forward to the break. I already had a job lined up, I could use that money to get a car.

    And I could use that car to drive away into the mountains and disappear.

    The mood changed as we pulled up to the school. Hannah turned the radio off, everyone stared silently at the ambulance parked out front. Paramedics were just closing the door as our car rolled to a stop. There were clusters of nosy teens trying to peek through the windows as the ambulance pulled away.

    No one said a word getting out of the car. We were all uneasy. Hannah jogged ahead of us, eager to ask what had happened. She just began talking with a group of her friends, more juniors, who were closest to the ambulance. I watched their conversation shift from shock to laughter, whatever happened must not have been too bad. I was just about to walk to class when a wad of paper smacked me in the back of the head.

"HEY!" Monica barked angrily at me, Sara followed closely behind looking small.

I did not have the strength for whatever this was going to be.

"Hey, Stephanie. What is your problem?" She marched right into my space.

I didn't budge, "You sound like the one with the problem, Monica."

"You wish," Her lip curled, "Cain told us what happened. You're pathetic."

"He told you about that..?"

"Of course he did. He told everyone. It's a big school, but we're all close. And now we all know."

I could feel my heart climbing up my throat, "What did he tell you?"

"He transferred schools because of you. His dad isn't going to teach here next year either. I hope you're happy."

    Monica dug her fingers into my shoulders, shoving me backwards. She laughed to herself before walking off. Finding my balance, I reached out and grabbed Sara's sleeve.

    "Sara, please. What did he tell you?"

    She looked nervous to answer, "He said you've been cheating on him. Before he put in to transfer.. Cain said you have been going around giving these college guys blow jobs in exchange for drugs. Like serious drugs."

    My head was spinning. I was suddenly aware of all the eyes on me. I couldn't find my balance.

    "If it helps, I don't think you're on crack. You're not, like, skinny. No offense." Sara ran after Monica.

    "New school whore!" Monica shrieked from down the hall, laughing and hugging Sara.

    I turned around quickly. Heading for the street, I wasn't sure where I was going, but I knew I could not go to school today. My heart was racing out of my chest. It's not like I had turned in any homework for weeks anyway. My hands were shaking so much, they could have fallen right off.

    Just then, a pair of arms slid under mine, lifting me off the ground with a hug. T.P. whispered in my ear from behind, "Where are you running to, newbie?"

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