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And Augustine Dubois, a girl just reaching her sixth month of vampirism, was steadily contributing to those same statistics.

It wasn't as though she took joy out of hurting the harmless civilians of the nearby town; the root of the problem lies in the fact that she had been left unattended by the older vampires who acted as her guardians. She had been lounging on the porch when she smelt a hint of blood from literally a mile away, and it was as though all her time practicing restraint was for nothing as she fell into a trance-like state.

The young vampire became delirious by the time she had her cold hands around a fifth human, long forgetting the original one she feasted on who scraped his hands on some rubble. Months of effort to turn her eyes a golden hue vanishing in record time as the world tuned itself out, and although she hadn't realized, she was drifting closer and closer to the nearby town with each body she drained along the trail.

In hindsight, the Denali coven were spending time with their guests, were simply busy with one another to notice her slip away soundlessly. The Cullens had arrived a few weeks ago, some members only passing through and remaining while they took a small vacation from their home in Washington ahead of the new school year. Despite their friendly nature, Augustine found she preferred to be by herself. They attributed it to the reluctance that most newborns had when it came to trusting others, their instincts often frenzied, and it was a miracle that the teen was at least comfortable being around the coven that took her in — but more specifically, she trusted the Spanish woman who had been the one to bite her while she was on the brink the most.

Carmen was like a mother to her, she'd saved her from the wounds that her own mother bestowed upon her. So, it was alarming that when the petite brown-haired vampire called to her, to finally mingle with their oldest friends, the only thing that could be heard was silence.

It was then that one of their dear friends had a vision of stark black hair and feral, red eyes. It was becoming clearer what was happening, and by the time they'd found the newest addition, it had already been too late.

A few stray members of the Cullen family accompanied the three Denalis who had been home to the scene that was anything but optimal. The newborn had barely even flinched at the hand that grabbed her shoulder blade. "Honey, you need to let go of him," Tanya's voice should have registered in Augustine's mind, being their coven leader and all, but the girl continued to feed mercilessly from the limp body in her hands.

She was lost to the bloodlust, that much was clear. Crimson tainted the Alaskan snow, and Tanya was quick to pick up on the sounds of the town nearby. The bodies littered on the forest floor must have been hiking, based on the winter attire and snowshoes they sported. She looked to her brunette coven mate for help, with Carmen easily stepping forward to try.

"Augustine," Carmen called out, using a softer tone towards the girl who was hunched on the ground, stopping to crouch in front of her. Eleazar stood behind her, waiting.

Red eyes met amber, Carmen immediately noticing the young vampire searching for something beneath the ferocity of her gaze. It seemed she had found it when Augustine's brow softened, dropping the body from her grip instantaneously with her eyes wide and sorrowful. "It's alright, mi vida," Carmen said with a reassuring tone, not wanting to startle the girl even further despite the situation most certainly not being alright. And although there was no judgment in her tone, the girl couldn't feel as though she had just disappointed them all.

Their months of hard work had been for nothing if she was able to relapse this quickly, this severely.

"I— I don't know what happened," Augustine's lip quivered, shaking her head. She tasted the remnants of the man's blood on her tongue, was practically choking on it. "Oh my god, what did I do—"

The girl surveyed the scene, bodies torn apart in a frenzy around her. She couldn't remember getting here, to this point, and could only remember the initial humanly scent that wafted in the air. She shouldn't have been outside alone, and it was reckless of her to think otherwise.

Carmen's heart broke at the sight, kneeling further and grasping the young girl in a strong embrace as the others watched on in sympathy. Everyone had been a newborn at some point or another, but a slip-up of this magnitude coupled with the sheer remorse on her face was gut wrenching. Augustine merely collapsed in the brunette's hold, pressure building behind her eyes and yet no tears escaped.

"Please, I didn't mean to... m'sorry, I'm so sorry—"

When Carmen managed to coax Augustine back to the house, with Tanya and one of the Cullens staying back to dispose of the mess, the young vampire instantly migrated to her room. The door shut with a click, the rapid pacing they'd gotten used to beginning shortly after.

Carlisle Cullen had been the Denalis friend for an incredibly long time, his family also adopting the vegetarian lifestyle that the Alaskans followed — that they tried to get Augustine to follow. They had tried everything, and thought she had a decent handle on her urges until this point. It was then that Carlisle offered his help.

"Perhaps a change of scenery would help," he said to the woman, Carmen able to understand what he was implying and nodded for him to continue, "there would be someone watching her at all times, of course. I think, surely with time, she could learn." 

Carlisle had taught his adoptive children control in the past, and although some were still struggling more than others, there was no doubt in his mind that Augustine could follow suit for the better. Sure, he would have to factor in getting her to Washington, and factor in a rotating watch schedule around his children's school schedule, but he knew they could handle it.

Carmen mulled it over, but the choice was clear since Augustine was not thriving in Alaska; not even in her human life had she thrived there, in fact. Maybe a change of scenery would indeed be beneficial to the young girl. "Carlisle, are you sure?" she questioned, knowing it was a big responsibility to put on his family.

"I'll start making the arrangements."

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[ wyn's note ]

hi all, and welcome to KILLER. i thought that if i wrote about sam, the least i could do is conjure up a little something for paul: i am so stoked to see where this book will go :)

prepare for the angstiest enemies to lovers you've ever seen, and of course some fluffy moments as well because at the end of the day, i'm a sucker for romance. till then, enjoy!


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