Chapter 4

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The Next day

I wake up from my slumber and started thinking of yesterday's encounter, if I my only way to survive is going to be killing fellow humans the I should atleast only kill the bad ones, though It will be hard to judge.

As I get out of my den to patrol the area for more food, I start pondering. Im I going to be able to turn back into a human? I probably could, technically I think this is my quirk, so I should be able to turn It off, right? Anyways, whilst I try to find out a way to change between man and bird, I should probably try to not get seen by anyone unless they are going to die soon, as I would like to be able to use my quirk without being arrested.

As I wandered near the place where the situation happened and saw the left over, dried blood staining the ground besides the tree in which the bullied one hid, just as I got near I heard a voice.

???: Vulture

Yn: Screech (Ehh, do you know I have a name, right?)

???: Well, what is It? You haven't told me

Yn: Arrchh (Y-...)

I stopped in my tracks, Im I going to really give out my name to this random kid that could report me for my killings If I turn human?

???: Ehhh, are you ok?

Yn: Screch (King, King Vulture)

???:Hey, that's not a real name!

Yn: Scrraahh (Im not a human anymore, I dont need human names, know you have to tell me yours, dude)

???: That's not fair! Im not going to tell you

Yn: Screeeech (Comeee ooon, I already told you mine)

???: ...

Yn: Screch (Please)

Koji: Koji, Koji Koda

Yn: Screech (See, It wasn't that hard, anyways, why did you came here?)

Koji: I just like being in nature and speaking to the animals, atleast most of them

He said glaring at me with a disappointed look, sighing at me.

Koji: Well then why are your here?

Yn: Screech (Food, Im hungry and animals are very scarce and humans seem to be the only ones to wander around here)

Koji: Y-you shouldn't kill more people, w-what if they have friends or a family, even then its ill-

Yn: Screeeech (Stop! Ill just try to kill the bad ones and leave the other be, if they dont see me)

Koji: Still... Couldn't you eat bones and survive off that

Yn: Scrah? (You do know I need to kill them to get to the bone?)

Koji: No! Not that, I will just bring some from the butcher store to here for you to eat

Yn: Screch (Ehh, even then I dont want to go back to eating only bones)

Koji sighed again at my response, but I took no mind with It and I started to get prepared to fly to another place where a kid about my age tries to make me go back to eating bones

Koji: W-wait are you leaving?

Yn: Screech (Yes, as I told you, Im hungry)

And off I am, whilst I enjoyed the company of another human being, I prefered not starving and having It of my mind

8 Hours Later

As Im wandering around near the city but still in the forest, I hear the sound of people running in the grass combined with distant voices, as I get closer to the noise silently I can understand what the two individuals are saying

The King Vulture (King Vulture x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now