Childs Play

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I missed being in the Bounty, my outfits were still racked up in the closet hanging to avoid wrinkles.

My beautiful outfits.

My fingers traced over the comic book in my hand, a present I suppose you could say.

I just can't think of who… because- well you know.

A sigh left my lips, sliding it under my pillow.

I'll give it to him later.

Later. Later.

I just hope he doesn't go out to get one for himself.

The boredom of being alone finally started overflowing to the point I made my way to the deck, only to watch Cole side kick Lloyd.

The force knocks him into the air, doing a few flips before face planting on the wooden floor.


The others take off their hoods, in concern.

“That was fun. Are we done?” he asks, sitting up.

“Oh, come on. You're better than this. What's on your mind?”

Lloyd gets up, “Well...The latest issue of Starfarer just came in at Doomsday Comix…” I flinched at the mention of the comic book, “and it's a limited run, so if I don't go out and get it, it's going to sell out. Last they left off, intergalactic rogue Fritz Donnegan was surrounded by the Imperial Sludge, and if I don't find out if he gets out alright, I think I might have my own doomsday.” He whines.

Kai crossed his arm, “The fate of Ninjago rests on your shoulders. As the Green Ninja, you have a giant responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for such childish things.”

I disagree. “He is just a kid.” I softly interject,  but it went on deaths ears at the moment.

“Other kids get to play and have fun. All I ever do is train.” Lloyd sighs walking over to the railing, the sound of children laughing was pretty obvious.

Poor baby.

Nya comes up from below deck, “Guys, there's been a break-in at the Ninjago City Museum of History and the security cameras picked up you-know-who.”


“We have to stop him before he uses the Mega Weapon to start another one of the dilogicbal plots.”

Lloyd left his perch to walk up to us, the look he received from the ninja caused him to sigh, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't go and it's safer if I stay here and train.”

They nod. Lloyd folds his arms in disappointment.

They packed up getting in the Ultra Sonic Raider, “We'll meet up at the Bounty as soon as we're done.”

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