chapter 2. fun time at home

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3rd person pov:

the first day went crazy for aaru that's why she thought that after the school ends she will go to chan's house.

MY pov :

shivani : hey, aaru, what you doing after school?

me : nothing just gonna hang out with chris at my home, you can come too if you want, i know we just met today but shivani, can we be friends?

shivani : yeah, i would love to be friends with you, but i was wondering how do you know chris?, like today you both acted like you guys are friends since childhood, but you two just met today.

me : umm, we actually know each other from childhood, and also he is my best friend.

shivani : woah, that's cool, he is like the popular guy at school and being friends with him is a big deal. anyways where's your house at cuz i was wondering if i could join you two ? 

me : let's exchange our numbers and i will send you my location.

shivani : yeah, sure.


after 2 hours : 

shivani already came and it's been 10 minutes since she came, which means chris is late.i decide to call him.

*on call*

me : hey where you at?

chris : i am coming, in a few  minutes. 

me : ok see you soon, and also shivani is already here.

chris : she is also there you didn't tell me you invited her too, you know i hate when you do something and don't tell me. 

me : i am sorry chris, but pls don't be mad.

chris : it's ok, i am not mad, and i don't even have the right to be mad, cuz of what happened today.

me : c'mon, forget what happened today, i don't mind cuz i know it's not fault.

chris : anyways bye, and see you at home.

me : bye.

*call ends*

*after about 5 minutes * 

i hear a knock at the door, i get up and after i saw it was chris i open the door.

chris : hey, i am here.

me : hey, dumbo you're finally here. *i said while hugging him tight*

chris : i am really sorry for being late and for what happened today at school.

me : naah, forget what happened and let's have fun. *i said while he entered my house*

*i brought cookies and chips for snacks and chris suggested that we should play truth or dare*

me : yeah great idea and the one who suggested is the first one to choose between the two.

chris : but aaru.....

me : there's not but, my statement is the order for you chris.

chris : FINE !!!, i choose truth.

shivani : who's your crush?

chris : i don't have a crush !

*i knew he was lying just by looking at his face but the choice is his and i didn't wanna force him to tell the truth* 

shivani : ok, now, your turn aaru.

me : ok, i choose dare.

shivani : your dare is to kiss chris...

me : hell no !!! i can't kiss my best friend.

shivani : you have to, it's the dare.

me : nope

shivani : FINE!!

we continued playing for some time and then shivani said " hey, guys let's plan a sleepover today"

chris : ok, i wanna ask my dad and mom for permission first, tho.

shivani : yeah i am asking my parents too.

me : wait guys my dad will never agree to me be planning a sleepover with someone i met just today, he will allow chris to stay tho.

chris : i will tell dad that, i know shivani and she is also my friend and then he will agree cuz he trusts me.

shivani : we are not talking about a sleepover at your house chris, why would you ask your dad. *said while doing a facepalm*

chris : woah calm down, i call her dad "dad" too.  

shivani : ooooh. 

*all of our parents agreed for the sleepover we all had fun for some time and then we all went to bed in three different rooms*

(some context, my step mom was being brutal and abusive towards me so my dad divorced her 1 week ago that's why we shifted from india to australia so that i and my brother can forget the past and move on and my dad is in india for the court work with my brother and i am alone in the safety of chris's family) 

*i woke up having a nightmare about my past life in india, i was anxious so, i went to chris's room and he was still awake*

chris : hey, what are you doing being awake at this hour? 

me : i think i should ask that question to you, and i had a nightmare about my past trauma that's why i am awake and having trouble sleeping again.

chris : oh *he said sadly while opening his arms for a hug*

me : i am really sorry to disturb you at this hour *i said while slightly crying into his arms*

chris : shh, baby doll don't cry *he said while trying to stop me from crying*

me : pls can you... *i was cut off by him*

chris : pls can you stay with me till i fall asleep right? fine. *he said continuing my sentence*

me : yes * i said after breaking the hug*

*after we went to my room i fell asleep fast and he also fell asleep as soon as he lied on his bed*

3rd person pov : it is the morning now.

*it was sunday so we woke up late and all three of us then went to a park and enjoyed the day*

best friends (with benefits) bangchanWhere stories live. Discover now