the stages of rainfall

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pit-pat, pit-pat
on the window,
it's drizzling outside,
calm and slow

suddenly i'm reminded
of a moment in time,
a moment i want to relive,
a moment so divine

you smiled so wide
with a glint in your eyes,
pointed towards the window,
"it's raining outside!"

we both ran towards
the tinted school window
and opened it to welcome
the sweet earthy petrichor

the cries of the clouds
trickled down our tiny hands
as our youthful eyes gazed far
at the darkened muddy lands

we looked at each other
exchanging giggles and joy,
euphoria pooled our soul,
filling all the empty voids

just for a moment,
it felt like time had froze
"i'm so grateful for this person"
a realisation arose

pat-pat, pat-pat,
i snap back into the present
the rain is intensifying
and it's no longer pleasant

suddenly i'm brought back
to a moment of the past
where i tried every means
of making our friendship last

the energy had shifted,
it was far from equal
our distance didn't faze you,
i guess i was the weak one

despite all the anomalies,
i gave you the benefit of doubt
hoping all signs are coincidences,
nothing to worry about

but lord did you prove me wrong!
the truth pierced me so brutally
shattered my soul & widened my voids,
"how could you replace me so easily?"

thud-thud, thud-thud,
a deafening lightning strikes
a volatile reaction of emotions
it spontaneously ignites

blood with red hot anger,
blue drenched soul,
a hopeless heart hardens
and blackens like coal

i had cried rivers for you,
oceans, to be accurate
i wonder if the rain from that day
was a subtle warning from fate

the cards in which you wrote "forever"
now collect dust on a high shelf
drawings of how we'd grow old together,
a lie they hid within their self

a part of me had died
every time i heard your name,
every time i saw my replacement,
every time you pushed the blame

every time i passed by the places
from where we used to hang out at,
every time i saw you walking by,
every time we avoided eye contact

tip-tap, tip-tap,
the rain is calming down
the clouds are moving apart
the sun is emerging out

a sheet of gentle golden
spreads over the soaked grounds
a warm sensation hugs my skin
so peaceful, yet profound

after all, i had learnt to accept,
everything happens for a reason
we truly learn the greatest life lessons
from the closest of our people

"nothing ever lasts forever"
was once upon a time said by a wise man
i had always admired this saying
but now it's meaning, i truly understand

i'd learnt to appreciate you
for all the good times,
for all the good memories,
for being by my side

now i've healed and moved on
and i'm delighted to say
my heart doesn't ache anymore
whenever i hear your name

you were the bittersweet rain
who came and went away
but now i got amber sun rays
to replace all your greys away

i extend my hand out the window
the rain has come to an end
so until the next time it rains
i shall remember you again.

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