Chapter 12

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My parents both came to pick me up from the train station. I see their huge smiles even before the train stops. As much as I enjoy the freedom of living alone, I realise I really miss them too. I get off the train and run up to hug them both. As always, Wolf is weary. He doesn't let them touch him at first. We get into the truck, Wolf on the backseat with me. Mum and dad bombard me with questions about university, about my apartment, my dance theatre, my new roommates. I tell them everything. The only part I leave out is the stalker. No point in getting them worried.

My parents' house is right next to a small forest. I grew up here, running though the woods as a small child. In the late afternoon, after lunch and a long chat with my parents, I decide to go out and have a walk with Wolf through the woods. His paw is almost fully recovered so he walks well, with only a slight limp. It's an unusually warm day for late spring. I pull on a flowery sun dress and let my hair out. I decide to wear flips flops instead of closed shoes. I call Wolf to follow me and we head into the woods.

I love the feeling I get when I'm alone in nature. It makes the world feel so large when all I see around me are tall trees and the distant blue sky high up above me. Wolf is off leash; sniffing and hopping around. I'm happy knowing he'll have a good life here. About thirty minutes into the walk, I hear a sound behind me. It's not often you run into a person here, so I assume it's an animal. Maybe a deer, or a squirrel. When I don't see anything, I continue walking. A sound again, branches breaking, footsteps, heavy breathing. I turn.

In front of me is a very tall man, he's wearing a black bulky jacket and his face is covered with a black ski mask, dark sunglasses pulled over his eyes. My heart pounds in my chest, for a moment I stand staring into him. I know it's him. The stalker. I take a step backwards, he takes one forwards at the same time. He's holding a knife in his right, gloved hand.

"I've been dreaming about you" he says in a very deep, hoarse voice, "finally the moment has come. Finally you're mine" he says,

"Who are you?" I manage to ask. I would run, but I know he would get me. By the time I'd turn my back to him he'd have enough time to capture me. I just need a one-step advantage and then I'd stand a chance. I'm a fast runner.

"You don't need to know that" he responds, then smiles. His teeth are white and large. I take another step backwards, but he follows, "don't worry, I won't kill you" he says, "I won't hurt you, baby. That would ruin the fun. I want you alive. I need you alive" he takes another step towards me, I take another one back, as I do, I slip out of my flip flops, they'd only slow me down,

"For what?" my voice is shaky, but I want him to talk, I don't want him to come at me,

"What do you and Lara have in common?" he asks, his smile back on his face. The fact he's mentioning Lara makes me feel sick, but I decide to go along with it,

"We- we dance?" I offer,

"I don't care about the dancing" he huffs, then takes another step, "stop backing up, baby. You can't get away. I'm bigger, I'm faster. You can scream, too. No one will come"

"What do you want from me?"

"Your innocent little body is what I want. Isn't it obvious?" he laughs, "now answer me, what do you and Lara have in common?"

"Um- I- I don't know"

"Your smile" he points his knife at my lips, "you're too happy, baby. Your smile pulled me in like a magnet. Your shiny big eyes that look at the world like it's beautiful" I'm noticing now that the deepness of his voice is forced. He's not using his natural voice, it's distorted on purpose. Maybe to sound scarier?

"You don't think the world is beautiful?" I ask,

"Hell no!" he laughs, "and you think I saw Lara first? Don't you? Well, you're wrong. You're the one that pulled me in first. But I thought I couldn't have you. I..." he stops himself, then shakes his head violently, jerking his knife towards me, "well, then I changed my mind. I decided I could have you. Why not? I will have you. You will be mine" he takes a few quick steps towards me, with a scream I manage to get out of his way,

"Shh. Stop, baby. Don't try to get away. Don't. I won't kill you. No, not today. I need you tomorrow, and in a month and in a year. You will live with me. You will be mine. I will treat you like a queen. I'll wipe the smile off your face" he laughs,

I can't take this game anymore. I can't listen to him speak. I turn quickly, I run. But I don't get away. He grasps me by my bicep, pulls me towards him. With all my might, I start punching towards his face. He grunts, takes my head into his other hand and bangs my head hard against a tree trunk. I stumble to the ground, my vision turns dark, I'm gasping for air, wanting desperately to stay conscious.

"I don't want to hurt you, baby" I hear him speak, like he's speaking from a tunnel. I manage to look up, he's smiling, slowly crouching down in front of me. I make another useless attempt to push him away, he grabs my neck and pushes me against the tree once more. He forces my head up,

"I don't want to hurt you. But you hurt me first, you see? You hit me, didn't you baby? You punched me. Like this" he slams his fist into my face, I cry out in pain. He screams.

It takes me a moment to realise why. Wolf had jumped at him, biting at his leg. The man kicks Wolf with both legs, making him fly back with a squeal. But Wolf is back onto him in an instant. The attacker swings at him with a knife, cutting into his fur. Wolf squeals once more, but doesn't back down. I grab a large stone off the ground, I get up, swing it into the man's head. He yells in pain, falling down onto his knees. Wolf jumps at him again, biting his arm. I take another swing at the man, this time I hit him between the shoulder blades. He falls forward with a grunt. I drop my stone, I pull Wolf towards me, but he won't go. I pick him up, though he's heavy and large, I manage to hold him to my chest. Together with Wolf in my arms I start running out of the forest, not turning back. 

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