Chapter 9: Finish Her

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As the cable car was leaving, you were thinking of how you were gonna do this. "Alright, let's consider what I'm going up against. I'm leaving Playcare to kill this female spider who can create spiderwebs and stretch her limbs at a distance of several hundred feet made of plastic. Wait, plastic? Can't I just find something sharp? No way that's gonna work, that would be too easy," you contemplated. You were unsure of how you were gonna kill Mommy. "I can imagine a lot of weirdos taking her name out of context," you thought. You remembered that there was a grinder somewhere in the restricted Game Station areas. "Maybe I could use that," you thought. You reached the Game Station and saw the train you used to get to the Playcare entrance. You saw pink, long limbs lower towards you, and you knew who it was.

Mommy Long Legs was looking at you, making direct eye contact with you. "Look at what we have here, a new playmate! It's been so long! What brings you here?" Mommy asked you. You needed to make up an answer, fast. "I came here for.. the memories. Missed this place," you answered. "I see. Well, that means you wouldn't mind playing some games with Mommy, right?" She asked you. "Y-yeah! O-of course I'll.. play.. a game," you replied. You really didn't wanna play any games, but Mommy was giving you no other choice. "Yay! Head to Musical Memory, and Mommy will get things started," Mommy concluded. "I'll just cheat through all of the games, simple," you whispered to yourself. "Obey the rules, or I'll tear you apart, and eat your insides. While you're still... ALIVE. Hehehehehahaha!" She laughed as she went up into the abyss. So, you went into the first game, Musical Memory.

You went into Musical Memory, and instantly you remembered how this worked. The screens would show a color pattern, and you had to recite it with the buttons. A video turned on, but you ignored it because it was just there to teach you how to play the game. Just as the video ended, the lights turned off, and you saw Mommy looking down on you through a window in another room. "Wow.. Mommy hasn't seen the place up and running in years! I'm sure Bunzo is excited to finally play another game after so long! After all, he hasn't gotten any food in a long, long time," Mommy said. When she said this, you realized that you were Bunzo's food. Bunzo started clapping his instruments stuck to his hands out of pure excitement. "Oh, that's the dinner bell! Good luck," Mommy said. The game started, and Mommy was watching you play. The color patterns started showing, so you started to focus.

The game just kept going, it felt like it was endless. Each time you completed a round, you thought it was over, just to be greeted by another one. Eventually, you got to round 5. "I CAN'T DO THIS FOREVER, MOMMY!" You yelled, hoping Mommy would hear you. You could tell she heard you, but she ignored you. "What else did I expect?" You thought. Instead of replying, her grin just grew wider. You knew she wanted you to die. Suddenly, more buttons appeared from the ceiling. There were so many buttons to the point where some of them weren't even colors anymore. You were trying to keep up with the pattern being shown on screen, but it was practically impossible. It was going too fast. To your surprise, an alarm button appeared, right before your very eyes. To you, it was a miracle. You pressed it with your GrabPack faster than the speed of light due to your desperation, which stopped the game. "Oh. It broke. That's no fun. Oh well! You did amazing regardless. Mommy is so proud of you! Head to the next game now, darling," Mommy said. You didn't like the way she called you 'darling'. It was threatening.

You headed to the next game, Wack A Wuggy. Upon entering, you came into a room with holes through the walls in every direction, every corner. You watched another video explaining how to play the game. Mommy started talking to you again, but you didn't care what she was saying. You just wanted to finish the games so you could just kill her already. The game started, and you got to work. Mini Huggy Wuggy toys started to crawl from the holes, and you needed to hit them with your GrabPack. You completed the game after a couple of minutes, and headed to the next one, Statues. You remembered how to play this game. You remembered the infamous PJ Pugapillar all too well. So, you entered the game.

Upon entering, Mommy started to talk. You decided to listen in this time. "You know.. you look familiar. You didn't work here. You must've been a visitor. Brought your son here, once? I could understand that. If only I could go back in time and revert what happened. If only any of us could. It's whatever. That was the past now," Mommy said. She wasn't speaking in her friendly, yet threatening tone anymore. She sounded almost... sad. You could tell she wasn't faking the sadness, too. You shrugged it off and started the game, but what she said and how she said it still lingered in the very back of your mind. The lights randomly turned from off to on, and you could only move when they were off. You had to hurry, since PJ was chasing you down. You got to the end of the game, just to find out that there was a pile of rocks blocking the path. You knew Mommy did this in hopes of getting you killed. She cheated. She disobeyed her own rules. You saw a window that led into a room, with a pole that you could grab with your GrabPack. You did so, and shattered the glass so you could swing into the room.

There was a big hole leading underground inside of the room. You jumped down, and explored. You found some rooms under there. "Why did this company make underground rooms? We're they trying to hide something in here?" You thought. This company was shady. Real shady. A lot more shady than you remembered. They seemed to be very secretive about what they were constantly doing, by the looks of it. You explored some rooms, and got into a long hallway with a door at the end. You needed to scan your blue hand to open the door. You heard rapid thumps getting louder at an alarming rate. You looked behind you, and jumped at the sight of Mommy Long Legs running at you at full speed. The door opened just in time, and your sprinted inside. Mommy got her hand stuck in what looked like a grinder, just as you had planned. You quickly pulled the lever, and turned on the grinder.

Mommy was screaming in pain. You felt almost bad for her. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? HE'LL MAKE ME PART OF HIM! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! AAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!" She yelled one last time before dying. She died a painful, awful death. Luckily, everything fell into place. You didn't know if this counted as murder or not. "It's just a toy, Y/N, calm down. No need to feel guilty. There's no way she's a real person... right?" You thought to yourself. You grabbed Mommy's severed head and headed back to Playcare. 

You were excited to see your kitty again. You arrived at Playcare, at Catnap was overjoyed to see you. He gave you a big hug, and of course, you hugged him back. "I'm so glad you're alright, love," Catnap said softly, to calm you down from what you had to go through. "I love you, Catnap. It feels amazing to be back. "You must be exhausted. And I see that you killed Mommy! Knew you could do it. I'll carry you back to The Prototype so you can give him her head. It'll serve as evidence that you killed her," Catnap offered. "I'd love that. Thank you, darling," you said. What you had just said made Catnap's day. Catnap wrapped you in his tail, and carried you over to The Prototype. It felt so comfortable. Being carried in Catnap's tail was like being carried in a cradel. It soothed all of your nerves.

You met with The Prototype yet again, and Catnap unwrapped you from his tail so you could walk up to The Prototype. You held Mommy's head out to him. "Prototype, I have done as you have requested. I grinded Mommy to ash. This head is all that remains of her," you said, firmly. "Surprising. I did not think you were capable of completing such a deed. Nonetheless, you have showed me your skills, and that you have great potential. You are welcome to stay in Playcare for as long as you'd like. Little did The Prototype know that you were gonna live here with your boyfriend, Catnap. Forever. Catnap wrapped you in his tail again and carried you to some beds, since it was getting late, and you were both tired. You both reached a bedroom, and Catnap let go of you. "Catnap. I just want to make sure you know that I'm never leaving you, I'll stay here with you, forever and ever," you said as you were petting Catnap. He started to purr. "Aw, looks like someone's happy,~" you said teasingly. You and Catnap slept together in the bed. Catnap scooted up closer to cuddle with you. You both fell asleep fast, and went into dreaming.

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