Return of the kronosome

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Hello my lovely readers! Just want to give a shout-out to these awesome ppl :
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Pls go follows them! They are super nice and deserve more followers

3rd Person—

"BOB!" Nico ran forward like a jet and hugged the titan tightly. Bob grinned and hugged him back. Agnostos waved.

"Hello, Bob." He smiled slightly. "Long time no see." Bob frowned.

"I do not know you." He murmured. "Do you see me as Iapetus?" Percy's mind wavered on revealing himself for a second.

"I have heard much about you." He said quickly. "I've always wanted to escape Tartarus like you did, find a new life. In fact, I sought refuge at Damesan's place once or twice. Very comfortable." Bob beamed.

"I miss Damesan. He could move in my cottage with me with Small Bob." A kitten mewed from Bob's white hair, and he scratched him behind the ear gently. "So you are a monster as well?"

"Not quite as good as you, Bob." Percy looked away. "But yes, I am." Annabeth huffed.

"Why did you bring us here? I thought we were here to find Percy!" Percy rolled his eyes at the irony at the situation.

"Nico, Percy knows Bob, yes?" He asked. Nico nodded. "Then it would only be reasonable that he would find someone who didn't abandon him for some lame excuse a stupid someone made up." Thunder cracked the sky and hit Jason in the face.

"Ow, dad, you got the wrong person!" Jason yelled. Percy sniggered silently. His cloak made him untraceable, so no getting shot by lightning. Yippee, sort of.

"Is your dad partly blind like I am?" He raised a brow. "Or are his shooting skills so bad that he hit his own son? Me personally, I would've like that to hit the dirt." He eyed Annabeth slyly.

"Bob, have you seen Percy anywhere?" Nico asked, still hugging Bob's waist.

"Percy? Percy is gone?" He asked incredulously. Nico nodded sadly.

"He got banished to Tartarus but he recently escaped with Agnostos over there. Percy waved.

"You're partly blind?" Jason asked Percy. He nodded.

"Lost it in Tartarus. Eh, it's fine." He shrugged. "I thought we had a quest to do, not talking about my missing eye."

"Bob did not see Percy anywhere. Where is Percy?" Small Bob mewed in agreement.

"Well...long story. We just wondered if he stopped by somewhere around here." Annabeth said, looking uncomfortable.

"Bob has not seen Percy." He shook his head. "But Bob can help! Bob will help find Percy!" Agnostos patted Bob on the shoulder.

"It's fine, Bob. We can do it ourselves." He assured the Titan. Small Bob nuzzled Percy's hand, and a flutter of pleasure sparked his heart.

"Hey, Not-So-Small Bob." He smiled slightly. "Thanks for your help, Bob. We'll be going now."

"Back into the Labyrinth?" Jason whined. "Aw, man!" Percy rolled his eyes and waved a goodbye at Bob and Small Bob and pressed a palm onto the blue triangle, Annabeth, Nico, and Jason following.

"We should get goin—" He got cut off by a scream from Annabeth, who's grey eyes were widened with fear.

"What? What happen—oh my gods." Nico pointed behind Agnostos.

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