Chapter. 4

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The world outside the command quarter looks more dangerous. It happens when Rosharps grant access to a person from sector level. The design of this game plan was pre-decided. When, where and how Rosharps steps in and took over everything after the war. They divided human resources according to their skill and social status. The social balance proposed by Rosharps was the only and best possible solution. It makes survival possible for left over humanity. Intellectualism still have its worth. They were strategically place in every command quarter the created across safe lands.

Once these were enormous cities, where millions of people live. After the war they were dissected into a single command quarters. Minimum four sectors connected to each quarter. Out of which two will serve as food processing, cloths, car, and house hold items plants. The rest of the two must serve as agricultural sectors. They control the MEDIA, INTERNET and all the social influencers. Even the leaders worldwide speak their language one way or another. It rarely happens when any one disagrees with Rosharps decisions and their actions.

Who can better understand this than Jacob? He daily grabs a copy of newspaper from the paper stand across his apartment on the way home after morning jog. His athletic built and tall height was a clear evidence that he is a fitness enthusiast. His thick brown hair looks good on his narrow face, but he was more inspired from his elder brother Jack. He wanted to join U.P.E, but he couldn't make it. His application was rejected after physiological profiling interview. There was four words remark on his application, "Unable to follow instructions." and that was it. Once you failed in profiling interview you can never be a part of U.P.E.

He was working as a data analyst for Rosharp data division. But his rebellious attitude killed that opportunity long ago. However a news agency offered him a part time job, considering his educational aptitude. Since that news agency was also owned by Rosharps, they allowed Jacob maintained his position within Command quarter. Agency gave him a studio apartment in a building. Where most of the residents were working as a part-time employees. Whenever Jacob return from his morning Jog he knocks on Omar's door before entering into his own apartment. Omar, who lived next door, was living in Frankfurt with his parent when the war started. Omar was working for a data company as a data analyst.

One thing that binds these two together was their thoughts about this new world order. They both were unhappy like thousands others. But the only difference between them and these two was that, they both publically argued about it. Whether they were sitting in bar, restaurants sometimes even on work place. Jacob remember the time when people raise their voice for their rights. But gradually those voices fades away, like they never existed. Every one act so comfortable that they haven't got any problem with anything ever. They never thought about those people who were thrown out from these command quarters. U.P.E have authority to do that in the name of contamination act.

Jacob enters into the apartment. It was small, there was a kitchen opposite to main door, and on the left side of the main door there was a bathroom. And rest whatever space remains was bedroom plus drawing dinning in one hall. Jacob keeps it clean and presentable because his allergies he can't stay in dirty spaces. The bed side wall was full of tapped pictures of his school friends and Jack with him. When he visited him three months ago. Jack phoned him at every weekend just to know he was all right. Jacob throw the newspaper on the sofa and grabs the remote controller from the table and switch on television. He always preferred to watch news during the breakfast. It helps him to burn calories, because every day he watch news there was some on it that made him angry. And anger burns calories that's what Jacob think.

On television there was a dark haired newscaster in a dark suit was sitting in front of a large screen. Behind him there was a picture of U.P.E squad standing outside the G.O.R.E building. The newscaster was breaking a story about a security breach in G.O.R.E building last night. U.P.E caught three men that were trying to break in, there was no ID bands on their wrist. They were taken in by U.P.E investigation team for further interrogation.

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