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chapter ten (x) : leaving home

Later that night I was in my room thinking about the events that had taken place earlier in the day. Why did he push me against the wall like that? Do I really not comfort people? Did I need to try harder? All these questions flowing through my mind but one of the main questions stuck 'would it be better if I just walked away and left this place in the middle of the night?'

I sat on my bed leaning against the headboard as my thoughts were racing through my mind one by one. I had so many questions in my head that i was starting to feel overwhelmed. And one of the biggest questions in my head was 'should I just leave'. This place had started feeling different to what it had been now that you'd discovered so many secrets. And although i loved the people and the ghouls here, i suddenly felt like i shouldn't be there so I packed everything back in my trunk and slid it under my bed so that no one would know about me sneaking away.

I lay back on the bed trying to push away the thoughts and i tried to get to sleep, but that was easier said than done. The thoughts kept racing through my head about aether's strange and cruel behaviour towards me, I just don't get why he's being so different with me now. my head was just spinning with all these thoughts and it started to stress me out so maybe sneaking away was actually the best decision because i could get away from all of this chaos and not have to deal with its aftermath on my own. I let out a sigh as I got up out of bed and made my way over to my desk to write the creature of the night one last letter.

the letter read:
dear creature of the night,
This is the last note you will get and by the time you get this I'll probably be gone. It wasn't your darkness that scared me, it was the darkness that could be showed in the people I thought were close to me. You talk about being a demon however even the demons prescience felt homely. we all sin as devils do but we love as angels do, not all light is good darling the same way not all dark is evil.

I find beauty in the grotesque and macabre,
yours sincerely
y/n copia x

I sealed it like I did yesterday and placed it aside on the desk before going to sit back in bed to wait for his arrival.

later in the night:
I watched as he came through my window and made his way over to my desk and sat down. I pretended to be asleep until I sat up quickly 'wait! Wait there please I beg' I told him

creature pov:
I watched her sleep peacefully before making my way over to the desk to see if she'd left another letter. When I saw it I felt like a kid on Christmas, I tore it open and started reading it to find out she was planning on leaving. My heart instantly dropped, she couldn't leave..

That was when she shot up in bed. I was about to run back out the window when she told me 'wait! Wait there please I beg' for some reason I stopped and didn't move a muscle. Although I was still merged with the darkness she got out of bed and made her way towards me 'who are you?' She asked. 'That my love, I can't tell you' I replied hoping she wouldn't get to close. 'But why? Why can't I know who lurks in the darkness?' She asked softly. 'Darling you won't like who I am, you'll be afraid of me, I'm a monster who lurks in the shadows to hide who I am..the creature of the night' i say caressing her cheek with my fingers before running towards the window.

y/n pov:
The wind blows out the candles as he ran making the room go pitch black so I took my lighter out of my pocket and lit it so that I could see slightly at least however he was gone when I did so. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I meant against the window cill. Why wouldn't he just tell me who he was? I don't fall in love with faces I fall in love with souls and his was perfect as far as I'm aware.

'I think I love you' I whispered into the night sky. How could I go away now knowing that I didn't find out who the creature of the night was? I simply couldn't. I sat down on the side of my bed and took my trunk from under my bed and un packet it. As I put the last shirt away I heard footsteps in the hallway so I stayed quiet to see where they were going and whoever it was stopped outside my room. There was a quiet knock before the door slowly opened 'are you asleep my child?' Papa asked

'I'm over here pops' I said closing my wardrobe door. 'What are you doing up at this hour hunny?' He asked walking in and closing the door behind him. He turned on the light so he could actually see me. 'Cant sleep dad just to many thoughts running through my head' I told him. Papa sat on the edge of the bed 'I understand' he replied. 'do you want to tell me what they are?' he asked looking at me. 'if they're too big then I completely understand, but if its something i can help with you should totally tell me and ill try to help.' i looked back at my dad, i knew I could trust him, and he's not someone i would want to keep things hidden from.

'Promise you think I'm going insane?' I asked him. 'I promise kiddo, I wouldn't ever think that about you so go on what is it, you can tell me anything.' papa looked reassuringly at me and smiled. 'Okay so for the past three nights there's been a man that comes into my room, at first I thought I was just imagining it but one morning I woke up he'd wrote an extra line on my poetry..and so I thought well he can read and write so I wrote him a letter and left it on my desk. then when I woke up the next morning he'd written back.' I told him. Papa looked at me with more concern when i said this 'so this man comes into your room at night? and he can read and write?' he said confused.

'Look I know how it sounds but I swear to you I'm not making this up' I said getting up from my bed and making my way over to my desk 'here' I said handing him the letter from yesterday. papa took the letter from me and started reading it before looking at me shocked. 'you seriously see this man at night in your room?'. 'Y-yeah but I don't see him he's more in the shadows like it says in the letter.' I told him

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